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Ahmed Gizawy |
A man in his way to visit the House of God for insulting a human !!! Something that did not happen before even in time of the infidels and Prophet Mohamed “PBUH”.
Gizawy's case comes at the tip of the iceberg when it comes to the case of Egyptians imprisoned in Saudi Arabia for non-criminal reasons. The official spokesperson of MOFA stated the ministry has inquired about the case of Gizawy , of course inquiry is not needed when he is going to be lashed next Friday !!
The Saudi regime is not popular among the revolutionary class in Egypt as it is regarded to be from the forces against the revolution so you can imagine how this case has added to that feeling already.
MP Mostafa Al Naggar of El Adl party was the first MP to announce that will present a request to the people’s assembly to discuss the case of Gizawy.
Al Naggar was followed by the liberal Free Egyptian party bloc.تقدمت ببيان عاجل حول قضية اختطاف المحامى أحمد الجيزاوى بالسعودية وانتظر مناقشته فى أول الجلسة كرامة اى مصرى تنتهك هى إهانة لكرامة الوطن
— mostafa alnagar (@alnagar80) April 23, 2012
Potential presidential candidate and MP Abu El Ezz El Hariri also presented a request to the people assembly. Speaking about potential presidential candidates , Hamdeen Sabahi raised the matter demanding the MOFA to act right away and protest Gizawy as the dignity of the Egyptian is above all.قدمنا طلب إحاطه و بيان عاجل لوزير الخارجيه بشأن موضوع احمد الجيزاوي في مجلس الشعب اليوم ايضا @MasreyeenAhrrar
— باسل عادل (@Bassel_adel) April 23, 2012
Abdel Moneim Abu El Fotoh commented and said that it is the case of a whole nation and the dignity of the Egyptians is the responsibility of the parliament , MOFA and SCAF.أطالب وزارة الخارجية المصرية بالتدخل فورا لحماية المواطن المصري أحمد الجيزاوي. انتهي زمن إهانة أي مصري بالخارج. كرامة المصري فوق كل اعتبار.
— حمدين صباحي (@HamdeenSabahy) April 23, 2012
Tomorrow there will be a protest in front of the Saudi Embassy at 12 PM CLT in Giza, the protest will not include protesters and activists from different powers only but it will include political powers as well like Al Wasat Party , the only Islamist party officially to declare its participation according to my knowledge.قضية أحمد الجيزاوي ليس قضية فرد بل قضية كرامة وطن ومواطنين. دور البرلمان والخارجيه والمجلس العسكري الحفاظ على كرامة المصريين وحمايتهم
— عبدالمنعم أبو الفتوح (@DrAbolfotoh) April 23, 2012
Not so surprisingly at least for me the Salafist Parties specifically Al Nour Party did not react as Al Wasat party or Free Egyptian Party letting the matter for the Egyptian authorities !!
It is worth to mention that the Salafist parties also ignored the case of other Egyptians imprisoned in Saudi Arabia including conservative and Salafist Egyptians.
Ironically Gizawy’s arrest can shed some light about the Egyptian prisoners in KSA , Gizawy used to work on this file already !!
Now I am so disturbed from the violent and racist comments Egyptian tweeps vented online today against the Saudi people not only against the Saudi regime and the Saudi king despite the Saudis on twitter were supporting the cause of Gizawy and totally against his arrest. I feel that we are having this battle of Algiers vibe again with our anger. Already those tweeps do not even think about the safety of this young man who will be lashed 20 times nor the safety of the Egyptian community that already got its problems in Kingdom.
Some stupid tweeps even warned Saudis from coming to Egypt and already left much stupider warning to the Saudi Ambassador !! Of course radicalism is the trend now in Egypt.
One thing is good in this case , is how the parliamentarians began to move quickly. Updated : The Saudi Ambassador called a TV show on Al Hayat and said that the Saudi King may pardon Gizawy.
The official FB page of cabinet has issued a statement announcing that the MOFA follows the case of Gizawy yet it will not join in any hatred campaign against the kingdom. Ayman Nour has announced that he will meet the Saudi Ambassador tomorrow in order to discuss the case of Gizawy and see if he can travel and represent Gizawy as his attorney in front of Saudi courts.
Now it is not only the case of Gizawy that we should follow and work on , I think we should work on the case of other Egyptians allegedly arrested and detained for years in the Kingdom for no reason like for instance the case of Abdullah Mamdouh. Mamdouh was detained from four years ago for no reason according to his wife Israa Kamal who is campaigning online and offline for him.سأطلب اليوم باسم حزب غد الثورة لقاء السفير السعودي لبحث أزمة أحمد الجيزاوي والسفر للدفاع عنه كمحامي إذا لم تحل الأزمه
— Ayman Nour (@AymanNour) April 24, 2012
Youth are being radicalized because no justice or hope of a better Egypt is going to happen. Another revolution will occur, this time, it will be in the slums with the poor feeding on the middle class and rich.
ReplyDeleteHello! The Salafis as well as most MB will not protest against Saudi human rights violation because they get money from them. Remember every woman who wears hijab in Egypt has been targeted for a bonus from Saudi money
ReplyDeleteنتمنى ان تكون للملوك سعة صدر على الشعوب لا ن الشعوب تعبت وقهرت في أراضيها و هاجرت سعيا وراء العيش الأفضل فاذا بها تزج في السجون -و الله صعب حال المسلمين يا ليت الحكام يرأقونبمن هم في السجون و فوق الأرض مهاجرين - عسى الله يرحمنا جميعا