Sunday, April 17, 2022

Ramadan Arabian Nights 2022: Tale of Al-Ashkeef “Meet the Ashkeef” Ep.17

Ramadan Kareem

Here is our 17th night of Ramadan Arabian nights.

But first, do you know that there were kids who feared Al-Ashkeef in that TV series? It even became a synonym to the word of monster or boogeyman in Egypt.

Al-Askheef in 1989

Yup, that is the Ashkeef that scared a whole generation of innocent kids.

Personally, I believe it was a sign of how successful the TV show was despite it seems hilarious now in 2022 especially when you see the special makeup of Al-Ashkeef.

Now, you can refresh your memory and listen to last night’s episode.

Here is the 17th episode of our tale tonight. It was episode no.599 of our favourite show.

And Krawan shows up to celebrate and drink with Princess Sabah. Fatom pours him a lot of wine till he is completely drunk and wasted. Sabah takes the Seal of Solomon and rubs it, but no genie comes out of it and then sober Krawan laughs. He expected that she would do this and wondered if Abu El-Yoser is behind her knowledge of the truth.

No more secrets, Ashkeef reveals his horrible self and Sabah screams.

He then brings out the real Seal of Solomon and summons its Djinn ordering him to take the princess to the faraway island of sorrows at the top of the widows mount where she will be imprisoned in a palace alone.

Here is the 17th episode of the tale televised.

Tomorrow night inshallah we will know what King Yasmine and her brothers do

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