Friday, March 24, 2023

Ramadan Arabian Nights 2023: Tale of Mando “The forbidden fruit” #EP3

Ramadan Karim,

We continue our tale for this year, the tale of Mando.

Before we go to the third episode of our tale, I want to remind you to pay attention to the references mentioned in the original work of Taher Abu Fasha.

Abu Fasha was the main writer of the One Thousand and one-night radio show in Egypt in case you forgot or are a newcomer.

“Mando’s tale” is not an original “One Thousand and one nights” story. Taher Abu Fasha once again uses his imagination to write yet another fantasy story from Arabian nights and beyond. “I won’t spoil it”

In tonight’s episode, Abu Fasha mentions the famous forbidden fruit aka apple.

If you remember in the first episode, he also spoke about the two cities “Gamore and Samore” that shared a similar fate to the infamous Sodom and Gomorrah.

There is also a mention of “Ahl El-Khutwa” of the Sufi Muslim saints who got supernatural powers.

It is a term common in Egypt. The Djinn, the usual guest star is mentioned in tonight’s episode too.

In a way, Abu Fasha followed the same path as those who wrote the original One Thousand and One Nights Book centuries ago.

Already in the original book, you will find all that and more.

Anyhow enough talk and we go to the third episode in our audio tale.

But first, refresh your memory with what happened in last night’s episode.

Here is the 3rd episode in our tale or to be accurate the 465th episode of the popular radio show.

To the synopsis

By the grace of the Merciful, King Kahlan delves his hand into the bag of fortune and retrieves an apple.

At first, both the vizier and the king let out a boisterous laugh, but their merriment is short-lived, for the old woman, with her wise words, informs them that the apple is no ordinary fruit, for it is not yet the season for such apples to bloom.

The woman then proceeds to reveal the apple's secrets, stating that it is the infamous fruit of Eve that led to Adam's expulsion from the Garden of Eden. She assures Kahlan that consuming the fruit will safeguard him from his looming, ill-fated nuptials. Yet, Shahlan, consumed with wrath, objects vehemently, only to be silenced by the king's decree.

The old woman discloses to Kahlan that if he and his spouse share the apple, they will be blessed with a son and a daughter, who will inevitably fall in love and unite in matrimony, for it is their destiny. The woman by the fountain echoes the sentiment, declaring that fate has already set the course of events.

The king, perplexed, wonders aloud how siblings could ever fall in love. The woman simply repeats that destiny has already ordained their union.

Despite Shahlan's continued vexation, the old woman offers him a chance to test his luck and draws something from the bag of fortune. To his chagrin, he discovers only a parchment with ominous words inscribed upon it: "You are a traitor, and you have no place here. Those who play with fire shall burn in fire." In a flash, the paper bursts into flames, and the old woman vanishes with a cackle.

The king and the vizier debate the old woman's true identity, whether she is a Djinn or from the Ahl El-Khatwa.

Kahlan believes that she is a holy woman from Ahl El-Khatwa, while the vizier is convinced that she is a cursed Djinn.

The Apple "Midjourney"
The Apple "Midjourney" 

On this particular night at his majestic palace, the Vizier Shahlan and his wife, with ill intentions lurking in their hearts, conspired to accomplish not only one but two objectives. Their initial goal was to coerce the King into marrying their daughter, yet their ulterior motive was to put an end to his reign.

The next day and despite Shahlan's warnings, the king insists on sharing the apple with his wife, but not without first devising a plan to thwart any treachery. He decides to have a condemned prisoner from the dungeons consume half of the apple. If the prisoner suffers no ill effects, then the remaining half will be deemed safe for consumption.

The king then commands his men to find a prisoner sentenced to death. And so, the fate of a condemned man is changed forever, all thanks to the forbidden fruit and the wise words of an old woman who whispered secrets by the fountain in a resplendent garden.

To the episode televised in Arabic.

Insha'Allah, the following night, fate shall reveal a new player in this grand game.

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