Friday, April 7, 2023

Ramadan Arabian Nights 2023: Tale of Mando “The Mando who can be a King” #EP17

Ramadan Karim😀

And we continue our tale for this year the tale of Mando.

Tonight's episode will delve deeper into the character of Hubhan, the Eunuch, and his struggle with identity and the unfortunate events that led to his current state.

Despite being presented in a negative light, we will explore the complexities of his character and the societal factors that contributed to his situation.

It is worth noting that if this episode were presented in the West, there would likely be a discussion about the use of pronouns, even though it is clear that the character is referred to as "he".

Eunuchs have a long history in the Middle East, dating back to ancient Egypt and continuing through the Ottoman era, despite the religious prohibition of castration in Islam.

As we continue with this year's tale of Mando, we also reach the 17th night of our nights, marking the 479th episode of the "One Thousand and One Nights" radio show.

But first, let’s refresh your memory with last night’s episode.

Here is tonight’s episode.


The Vizier is inflamed with anger because Mando succeeded in winning the princess's heart while his son failed.

He attempts to instill suspicion in the King regarding the young man, who remains reticent about his lineage and ancestry. However, King Kahlan surprises the Vizier by announcing his intention to visit Mando at El-Sabr Palace, accompanied by his wife and daughter, the Princess.

Meanwhile, Mando is introduced to the palace Eunuch, Hubhan, who comes to assist him in dressing for the occasion. Hubhan discloses his past, which is shrouded in ambiguity after years of turmoil.

Adobe Firefly
A palace inspired by the Arabian Nights book using the famous Edmund Dulac's
style as imagined by Adobe Firefly 

Once a boy, he was kidnapped and castrated, thereby transforming him into a eunuch slave.

"Men do not fear me, and women do not feel shy around me," Hubhan proclaims, adding that he is akin to a domesticated, tamed cat, but can transform into a tiger when his patience is tested.

As Hubhan tries to persuade Mando to dress as per the royal standards, the King, the Princess, and the Vizier arrive. Mando is questioned again about his father, and he answers sagely, stating that his father endeavors to enhance the lives of those around him.

Impressed with the young man's wisdom, the King consents to the marriage. Moreover, he not only chooses a groom for his daughter but also an heir to the throne.

Mando is elated and urges the King to release his brothers, Shando and Hando. The King is astonished to learn that the garbage collector's sons are Mando's siblings.

Meanwhile, Tanbal and Zumora, who were previously assumed to be beggars by Hubhan, cause a ruckus and make enough noise to gain entry into the palace. King Kahlan is livid and orders his guards to apprehend them.

Here is the episode televised

Till tomorrow night inshallah.

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