Sunday, October 15, 2006

Mustafa Bakery to the jail for 6th time "He won't enter the jail this time, believe me "

Yes as you read in the title Journalist and MP Mustafa Bakery is going to be jailed for the 6th time according to Court. There had been a law suite against him by a head of a party called "Miser ElFata" {Egypt,the girl} a shadow party with no real presence in the Egyptian street using a name of a very old and famous Egyptian party in the 30s and 40s of the last century

Of course this verdict is added to the long record of abuse against Freedom of press in Egypt ,but to say the truth I didn't feel sad for Bakery at all , I know it seems strange for someone like me who believes totally in freedom of press and expression "of course with its real meaning " to feel in such way.

Look I am against the trial or jail of any person unjust ,especially if that Person exposes the thieves who are stealing the welfare of the country , the traitors who make conspiracies against the nation's security and of course dictatorship of the regime.

In that logic or belief I am against the trail of a man like Wael El-Abrashi and the young journalist of Sout El-Oma "The Nation's sound" for exposing the names of corrupted Judges who covered the cheating in the last parliament elections of 2005

Same thing with Ibrahim Issa ,the famous chief in editor of "El-Dostor" is facing a trial along with one of his ladies young journalists for publishing an essay some lawyers from some village thought it was offensive to the president

Of course both Journalists are being punished for a while as they are naughty boys attacking the regime , but it won't reach to the level of prison because we are democratic country and the president would interfere in the last to cancel the verdict "The Divine Savior"

I felt so angry and I still feel so angry when I read about Issa,El-Abrashi and any other journalist being punished for defending the truth but with Bakery........

Look in the Stupid movie "Ouija" Hani Salama said a very true quote

"Manners and Values are not divided"

Yes If you are a honest person who believes in freedom and democracy as his or her principals will always hate dictatorship , a real honest Muslim religious person will hate dictators and fight them if he can in any possible , this is what I believe yes there is 100% saint /Devil person but when it comes to Freedom,democracy and Justice ,it is hard to expect half solutions because you are dealing with People's lives and futures

And that's s why I never believed that Mustafa Bakery was a real freedom fighter and a leader of Opposition in Egypt as he was trying to appear in public

The reasons behind this belief are :

  1. Bakery really doesn't hate Mubarak's regime nor Hosni Mubarak ,on the contrary he hates the Government , every Government ,yet he adores Mubarak , President Mubarak said this , President Mubarak assures that, I mean who is he fooling !!  Hello Mubarak and the son are those who appoint and dismiss cabinets , It is silly to attack the NDP party and don't attack its head who is the president , Bakery deals with Mubarak as if he were his idol in a strange contradicting way that doesn't fit with attack on the cabinet and the regime , especially when you accuse the regime with treason for dealing the United States and Israel , ok you will say that may be Bakery is trying to protect himself by not making the big man angry from him , but not in this way ,it is as if Bakery is suffering from Schizophrenia !!
  2. You are defending in Democracy and freedom in your Country and people's choice , you also against prisons,Jails and torture yet you support more dictatorial regimes in the world than in your country , Bakery calls Saddam Hussein a hero , Bakery forgets all the awful crimes of the Syrian Baathi regime against the great Patient Syrian people for over 30 years !! It is strange
  3. It is even more stranger that you claim to a be jealous Muslim who is heading weekly protests from Al-Azhar Mosque attacking anti-Islamic acts in the world , and you support Saddam and El-Assad regimes simply because Standing against unjust ruler is considered a Jihad " The word of right against an unjust ruler is a Jihad"

That's why I don't think much about Bakery , I don't care what his political current or side he represents , whether Liberal or Nasserite or Nationalist , but this double standard thing doesn't make me comfort , I am sorry that there is nothing Black and white in Politics , but Bakery is not a Politician in the first place

That's why I don't believe him easily , you see from where you attack the cabinet and regime day and night and then publish a report about the Kidnapped and murder of the Egyptian Ambassador in Iraq and say it is a classified report with hints that you got sources in Egyptian Intelligence !!! It doesn't make sense

You know the true face to Bakery appeared , and the mask he put on his face as an opponent was taken over and he appeared as another government speaker when he leashed an attack on Talaat El-Sadaat last week ,when Talaat spoke about a conspiracy theory in his uncle "late president Sadaat" assassination , Saturday came and El-Osbo "The Week " newspaper of Bakery made an attack on Talaat none of the governmental newspapers did it , it was a strange coz everywhere "El-Osbo" must publish some conspiracy theory somewhere in the world

I know that Bakery hates El-Sadaat , but attacking Talaat and publishing the dirty laundry proved that Bakery not Talaat was a real regime alley

Mustafa Bakery and Journalists like him are from the means Egyptian regime uses to implement the catharsis policy

As I said in the beginning in the last second Mustafa Bakery won't enter the jail because the President is against the  Jail of Journalists !!


1 comment:

  1. فعلا فمصطفى بكرى يهووى العبارات الرنانة و الشعارات الجوفاء
    و معارضته للحكومة أو إنتصاره لبعض قوى المقاومة العربية هنا أو هناك لا يبرر مواقفه الغير شريفة كوقوفة مع بقاء طاغية مثل صدام ضد إرادة شعب بأكمله


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