Saturday, October 24, 2009

Nick Griffin on BBC Question Time

Before the huge protests in front of the BBC last Thursday most people outside the British isles did not know who is Nick Griffin of BNP and now after the show he is now earned a world reputation as an ugly racist.
You know there was no need to those protests in London because it gave him more fame internationally, these people like him and Jean Marie Le Pen must be in the shadow. I would not have thought of searching for the complete episode except because of the protests. I respect their concern and their fear to give a penal to this kind of people but they are giving them a free publicity.
This episode from BBC Question time broke the record in the viewership in UK and I am not surprised , this kind of personalities always attract viewers to watch them on TV.
Here is the complete episode on the Youtube , you can’t watch it on BBC iPlayer if you are outside UK

I will not comment on Griffins except that it is enough that most people including the  “indigenous British” refuse him and his thoughts but I will speak about the program itself , I wish that our Arabic channels learn from the BBC how to conduct a debate like this in this way with no overreaction and screaming here and there. Of course these are the British , they are not Mediterranean still it is a perfect example for a live debate.
Back to Griffins as actually I can’t keep myself from commenting ; I think it is not about Islam , it is like what is said in the show in the 1960s they were the Blacks than the Browns than the Muslims.


  1. I am sick of European political scene. Everyone who stand against social welfare, Muslim idiocies, European Union must be a total dumb ass.

    Take Wilders, he is a member of Freedom party and he supports freedom of speech, but he want to ban Koran or apply a "hejab tax" total idiocy .... consistent pro freedom politicians are desperately required.

  2. Being British myself, I think the tide is turing here. The needs of our own indigenous folk have been ignored and those of the minorities have been given much more attention due the the liberal left not wanting to racially offend these minorities. It is a natural backlash of the voting system to revolt to this attitude by voting for a purge out of rebellion. I don't vote myself because this highlights how wrong democracy can be, and how these power greedy individuals stay in power and abuse their positions. I also don't believe Griffin is right, but it has gained him support because he looked like a victim.
    Cook had no valid arguement, and couldn't answer the question about con & lab immigration policy being the cause of this social reflex at trying to protect our national identity. They are even more stupid the BNP. If they had argued "we are crap, but they are worse!" then maybe, but NONE of them sounded like they were capable of running the UK. It is time to disolve govt in the UK and let the people make choices. I'll only mention the war in Iraq and that the majority here DIDN'T want it and yet we wen't to war on a LIE.

  3. Racist comes ones own families our parents, our brothers and sisters, our aunts uncles, our grandparents. But at some point, if we mature, we start seeing that what was told to us when we were children by people we admire and love were lies.

    Then we come to the realization that we are more alike than we are different, parents want to have a home, steady work, a medicare plan, and education for our children (if you travel you will see this).

    I believe that the vast amount are of goodwill and good hearts.

    Do not lose hope, we have seen the rise of this before and we will prevail.

    Remember "Evil flourishes when good men (& Women) do nothing". Raise your voices and be heard.

    Cheers and God Speed (All denomination)

  4. The way Griffin talks about Muslims and Arabs is no worse than your average Muslim and Arab talks about Jews. If you look at the Prophet Mohammad cartoon protests that Muslims conducted in the UK you will see there is a legit reason people support Griffin and co. Muslims and Arabs sure do nothing to discourage anti-semitism and anti-gay attitudes so you are in no position to claim to be the victim

  5. Lets face facts here. Hatred exists because difference exists. Borders around our countries, borders around our beliefs, borders in wealth and borders in our minds which is down to the way we are taught in our respective coutries, no matter where that might be. Our governments, faiths, politics and elitist society structure are at fault. It has been this way for THOUSANDS of years and why...because our leaders want it that way, and prosper from it that way too.
    Without this system, there is no one to hate, no profit to be made from war and no reason for divides by colour or faith. The fact that Nick Griffin is on the rise in popularity proves that the system is still at work and we have learnt NOTHING in the last 5000 years. We are CRAZY to carry on this and allowing the same old genetic strands to profit from our suffering, death, war, basic requirements and material needs.

    Bit the worst truth of all is..we actually have the means to stop it in it's tracks. Explore your feelings about this issue and not the fact that racism might be on the rise, and only then are you actually fighting the cause of the problem. At the moment, you are just either inside or out side of a particular circle. Racism inside it saying "you are wrong", and you outside saying "no you are wrong..but the truth is THERE IS NO CIRCLE!

    If you open your hearts and your eyes and think for just 1 second outside the box "who benefits from this hate?" you will wake and and realise it is our leaders and business men/banks who profit over and over again.

  6. THEY tell you, you are Muslim..THEY tell you you are Christian..THEY decide how much you earn. THEY tell you, you are black/white or whatever colour you might be. THEY tell you, you are fighting for your freedoms. THEY tell you to vote this way or that. THEY give you your choices and you select one based on your knowledge or prejudgments. THEY prick your concience and sway your decisions. So you have never made a choice unless they wanted you to. Your WHOLE life, just for them and steered by them.
    If you knew just how brainwashed you all actually are, you'd wash your hands of their control, their manipulation if only you really knew that was what is happening to you every day.
    Have you EVER made a decision without the knowledge or bias of your past, or without thinking how it will effect your future? Purely based on right or wrong. Are you not intelligent enough to know it is wrong to continuously be at odds with your neighbour, your fellow human beings. Is it not at all plausible that THEY are the ones who always have benefitted from the gaps in your knowledge or the fact you are always WANTING new things or watching the latest junk on TV.
    Turn the crap off, stop buying their junk, stop believing everything they say, stop voting for these hateful idiots and only then are you being YOU. All you do is THEIR work again and again and again. WAKE UP


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