Thursday, April 1, 2010

A Busy Week For Dr.ElBaradei

First of all tomorrow insh Allah he will head to Mansoura , the capital city of Dakhalia governorate in Delta where he will tour the city with renowned Dr.Mohamed Ghoniam then he will pray there the Friday prayer.
This will be the first tour for Dr. ElBaradei outside Cairo.
Second on Saturday insh Allah he will attend the Easter mass at the Abassiya cathedral for the first time. This event is important on many level .
  1. He wanted to get closer to the Egyptian Christian community.
  2. The Orthodox Church despite being all the way with the regime regardless of what it claims does not want to look bad in the media by rejecting ElBaradei.
  3. This will be the first meeting between the regime men and Mohamed ElBaradei face to face since leaving the IAEA.
  4. This will be the first meeting between Gamal Mubarak and Mohamed ElBaradei also.
The Church says that ElBaradei will be seated besides the ministers , already according to the protocol ElBaradei as a recipient of the Nile Sash he should be seated in the very front rows anywhere in Egypt because he comes right after the President. Anyhow the man does not look for fake formalities and since day one he said that he would sit in the back row with ordinary Egyptians.
By the way not only the Church is hand in hand with the regime despite all this regime has caused from division but also some big Egyptian Christian tycoons and businessmen  do not like what Mohamed ElBaradei is calling from a social democracy and they will use all their powers to stand against him above them Youssef Boutros Ghali who knows very well that he will face endless lawsuits as soon as this regime is downed. Unfortunately these tycoons just like in politics are playing a destructive role in the Church more than you can imagine starting of forming lobbies on who shall be the next Pope from now , just like politics.
The Church regardless of what some of its men claim from their rejection of the second article in the current constitution we have does not want its cancellation because that second article ensures its full control on the Christian Orthodox community in the country as the Islamic Sharia says that the personal and family matters of Non Muslims are from the responsibilities of the Church.
Another thing many Egyptian Christians and the Church are worried from Mohamed ElBaradei's talk about the Islamic parties and the participation of the Muslim brothers officially in the political life.
Anyhow as I said before this will be the life time battle of not Dr. ElBaradei but also the Egyptian people.
By the way I have just received news that the governor of Dakhalia has toured Mansoura visiting poor areas to distribute food supplies !! "Did he distribute meat !??" 


  1. You seem to have a lot of knowledge about the internal issues of the church and Coptic community in general... is this based on direct knowledge from someone on the inside, or is this just what Muslims are saying about Copts when they aren't listening?!

  2. I don't think that will be the 1st meeting between Gamal Mubarak and Elbaradei since Gamal Mubarak doesn't usually attend the Easter prayer. He usually attends teh Christmas prayer on January 6th.

  3. I actually disagree about the blogger knowing about the internal issues of the Coptic Church, he/she actually knows nothing of substance
    "The Church regardless of what some of its men claim from their rejection of the second article in the current constitution we have does not want its cancellation because that second article ensures its full control on the Christian Orthodox community in the country as the Islamic Sharia says that the personal and family matters of Non Muslims are from the responsibilities of the Church.

    The 2nd article does NOT bequeath such power.

    As for Yousef Botros Ghlay being sued and the whole social democracy comment. Dr.Ghaly'ssins arewhat? Trying to segway Egypt from a stagnant, subsidy-happy economy to a more modern, liberal and free enterprise system. Leftists, wake up, Marx sucks.

  4. I am glad that Dr Bradei is sharing the Coptic Church ,although his seat was in back line but he is always in front .his attendance makes him in front position in our view and our eyes regardless where he was seated..


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