Monday, October 4, 2010

They Do Not Look Drunk To Me , They Look Thugs To me

13 anti-riots soldiers have been transferred to the hospital and they are being treated currently after being attacked by the Tunisian Taraji hooligans in Cairo stadium today during their game vs. Egyptian Al Ahly.
Just watch part of their attack in video , at last we learned to record everything in the stadium

Hooligans acts.
It is a sad scene , these two security guards  went there to put off a fire and  this is what they got !!
These hooligans have been arrested and now the officials are telling us that they were drunk , in fact they came to Cairo and they were totally drunk , they have been drinking for two days yet the security allowed them to enter the stadium
Now I wonder if they were celebrating Oktoberfest in their own way why we let them in the country or even the stadium in the first place!!?
I respect the Tunisian people and I know that this group does not represent anyone except themselves but I am asking questions because things could have gone out of control.
Yes we won but I do not feel happy because what happened was just sad , so sad.


  1. Its clear we have a problem with hooligans in several Arab countries and something serious needs to be done. If I was in charge Id take all of them and set them in a camp where theyd be sent for community work and anger control sessions.

  2. Video has been pulled already :(

  3. @anonymous , community work can teach a lesson indeed

    @Jason , I hate this , ok I have fixed it , I found someone else who has uploaded the shots

  4. Egyptians police can almost beat to death few foreigners who destroy private property. While if I remember French police cannot even touch such people. Thank god for justice.

  5. ماحدث من ضرب واهانه لكبار وصفار الشرطه تحت اشراف ومشاهده الامن المركزى الذى كان يشاهد كل ماحدث وكائنه كماله للشوت الثالث وتعجبت لما يحدث والله عجبا يزيل العقل مع العلم انى رايت حدث اخر فى مكان اخر وهو وسط البلد مظاهره سلميه والله سلميه والشرطه تمسك بشاب مصرى وطنى وتسحل به الارض ولزياده الرعب فى قلوب الماره يجرى جنود الشرطه ويذيدوا الشاب ضربا فى جميع اجزاء جسده وهذا تحت حراسه الامن المركزى وعجبى ياتى شويه عيال يضربوا-ويكسروا ويعتدوا-ويسبوا-والامن المركزى يشاهد فى حالت زعر وخوف --------------------لما لان المعتدى مش مصرى


    You all are watching the edited and short version.
    I strongly suggest watching the full video.
    What is also clear is that Cops in some arab
    countries are still living in the 1970's as far as training
    and professionalism is conserned.
    You dont pour water on flames ( it must be put in a bucket of sand to avoid the extreme smoking for example )
    From a security stand point, civilisation and Human I will say that there are better ways then to snatch a random group ( after they wrongly brought out flames ) take it down to the view of all the fans and surround them by a wall of unformed police and hide them a little with flags and beat the hell out of them and get all your well known sexual frustration and anger on them in the process; With 6000 of their friends watching it ( dehydrated fans I must add due to most water sources being cut off on the side of the Tunisia stands and in the "disgusting" restrooms but thats another story..)

    Quit thinking that patriotist and strong emotions for one's country is exclusively Egyptians. Humble up and take it down a natch with your arrogance thats making so many arabs in the world dislike you.
    Focus on education and your own issues before you worry about the world.
    Thank Gof for some wisdome from both leaderships at least that put a stop to what was sure to be a raging fire from hell thats has no end and has no reasons at all,
    Wake up dal 3alim biyath7ak 3alina, da7na asba7na al 3arab 7outhalat !!!
    Wake up!


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