Tuesday, March 27, 2007

75,9% said approved the amendments

ok the results were announced today and they were the following

From those who have the right to vote in Egypt with voting id cards "35,701,660" only 27.1% showed up and voted "like me"

From those 27.1% ,75.9% approved the constitution amendments

This was the official expected unrealistic announcement despite the fact that the 27.1% which the government announced is the smallest attendance percentage ever ,they couldn't lie and say the attendance was historical like the sick headlines in Al-Khyber and Al-Ahram

Ladies and Gentlemen , I was there yesterday those who attended really were less than 27.1% , it is like what the human rights organizations are saying about 4% who really participated in the referendum

Already if you watched Dream TV yesterday and this new Night show "10' PM" you would see the empty elections committees across the country, many people didn't bother themselves to go and participate because they don't trust the government ,they know in advance that the results will be changed to the regime's sake in either ways

Interesting enough I found out that Gamal Mubarak himself said to the foreign correspondents that he expected that 70% of the Egyptians won't participate in the referendum, because of the lack of the elections committees !!

Well that's what he thinks but this is not true ,70% of the Egyptian Won't and didn't participate because of other reasons which he knows very well but hates to admit

Link to FilBalad.News | النتائج الرسمية للاستفتاء : 75.9% قالوا "نعم" للتعديلات الدستورية


  1. There was an article in the NYT today (front page photos) about the apathy from the Egyptian people about this vote.

  2. check also the Time magazine about the referendum ,I will post the link in the blog soon ,thanks Vagabbond blogger :)


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