Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Gamal Mubarak spoke

Gamal Mubarak as usual spoke to the foreign jounralists check what Time's Cairo Bureau Chief Scott Macleod had written regarding what Gamal Mubarak said to the foreing journalists on the eve of the referendum . It is very strange that Mubarak likes to speak with foreign journalists and ignores the locals as if all he really cares is his picture outside only !!!

Please check in the Time magazine middle east blog

Also I am so thankful to Vagabond blogger as he hinted to the New York times coverage of the referendum ,also very ineteresting


  1. It's not good when the majority of the populace look at a referendum as a "given," i.e. it will pass regardless and that their vote doesn't matter. This will also make the Muslim Brotherhood go underground (not good at all). Even though the U.S preaches democracy, the last thing they want is for a repeat of the Palestinian and Lebanese elections, where fundamentalists were voted in. As if we Americans, don't have a fundamentalist ruling our country. Unfortunately the U.S. (and media) have been quiet about the basic civil liberties that are being abused by many governments we (Americans) deal with - under the excuse of fighting terrorism, but really, when it comes down to it, it's all for the almighty dollar - "The business of America, is business" - 'nough said.

    Thanks for the notation in your blog.

  2. you welcome Vagabondblogger,if the American administration is wise enough it would work with other democratic moderate powers in the countries like Egypt will eleminate any fundamentlist attempt ,already they know that but they don't want to understand like after the 9/11 and some began to think why those appeared and wise said that they wouldn't have appeared , if there had been democracy
    but you said it is business of America and its companies you know it is like Chily and what happened there


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