Tuesday, May 8, 2007

Busted !! Najidi is kissing a woman

My dear friends at last I put my hands on the photos that made the conservatives in Iran go coco , really angry and coco to the limit that they want to crucifie their own man Ahmed Najidi after his indecent behavior.

It seems that Najidi tried to imitate Richard Gere in India and kissed a woman publicly on a stage in Iran !!

Oh yes President Najidi in the last Science day "We have one too" was honoring teachers and professors ,among the honored professors and teachers are his own teacher in the primary stage

A 70 years something old lady wearing black from top to down except the head scraf

Najidi kissed her hand and she kissed his head

seriously it is a very respectable civilized act from gratitude and honor , gratitude from Najidi towards this lady who taught him and honor from the teacher with her student who became a president

But as the brain heads of the conservatives didn't like ,well I like it and it turned out that many Iranians and also western like it

it is very beautiful human reaction despite it was a propaganda or whatever but I love it

here are the pictures and I am waiting to know your reactions



  1. isn't it an act of slandering Egypt - oh sorry - Iran? One could ask now: will an iranian judge, like Murad of Egypt, raise a lawsuit to block Nijadi's blog as well?

  2. You deserve this award:


    although you arleady got it!

  3. my god that cockroash gives me the creeps:) A terrorist bloody criminal whos hands are dipped in the blood of innocents.

    Th president of an enemy nation where 20% of ppulation are zoroastars . while the rest are not musim shiites-but rather Safavid zoroastar shiites whose religon is centered around persian supremacy. they build a shrine for the killer of OMAR IBN EL KHATAB, the call AISHA NAMES FOR FIGHTING ALI.

    The entire irani population htes the khmonist government and are pro israel. and they consider Arabs their enemies not israel.

    the average normal Irani citizen is a terrorist. The dirt considers the destruction of IRAQ AND KILLING Arabs over there as well as de- arabising Iraq a humanitarian mission.

    Ater that, some Ignorant comatose Egyptians still sympathise with those dirty people

  4. @mukhtar,already there are many of Judge Murad there and even worst on behalf what they are saying or considering as religion !!

    @fadfadation ,thanks ,thanks,thanks I am blushed

    @amr I am sorry to say to 2 SHUT UP

  5. i forgot to mention najad is a cross dresser and a beastialist.

    he liketo get dressed up like women and prostitue himeself in the streets. Also there are some allegations of an inter-secial relation with dog where he plays the role of a female

  6. what a sweet gesture from him to honor his teacher !!

  7. it is a very gesture you rarely see in our country unfortunately


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