The only and the first website in English from its kind , ALLAH bless the one who made it , bless his hands to stay all that time to do that wonderful job ,seriously yes it is an old fashioned website and needs a new look but it is a great golden mine
The Egyptian Perspective as you never seen before ,I recommend you to read what is in the website especially regarding the gap :) dedicated to all those skeptical out there
6 October war1973 - Yom Kippur 1973
there is another Arabic version from the website in Arabic
I will copy these parts from the Questions sections to clear my point regarding the gap "Defersoir operation"
Had the Israeli crossing westwards the canal realized the military objective of Israel ?
The objective of Israeli crossing from the east (Sinai) to the west was to:
- Bombard the missiles batteries anti-planes "Sam"
- Occupy Ismailia city, to encircle the second army by Sharon’s forces.
- Occupy Suez city and encircle the third army by forces of Avraham Adan and Kalman Magen.
But Sharon failed to occupy Ismailia city and the same with Adan and Magen to encircle third Egyptian Army and occupy Suez city.
About crossing to the west of the canal, David Elazar chief of Israeli headquarter staff on 3 December 1973, says:
Sharon still continues his irresponsible declaration to journalists trying to lessen the role of other leaders to appear as an unique champion, although he knows well that our crossing to the western side of the canal caused too much losses.
However, we could not along ten days of fighting to overcome any of Egyptian armies. The second army resisted and prevented us ultimately to reach Ismailia city.
As for the third army, in spite of our encircling them but they resisted and advanced to occupy in fact a wider area of land at the east. Thus, we can not say that we defeated or conquered them
My comment : This is not the first time I read an Israeli accusation to Ariel Sharon to act in an irresponsible way for own his personal glory , that was already mentioned in the book "The eve of destruction"
As you see the military objectives were not achieved at all ,so I do not know how this can be considered a victory in the first place !!??
From a Book "The fourth war" by P.Kumar Narayan.
As a result of disastrous losses suffered by Israel in equipment and individual, and under political, military and strategic pressure, and after the American airlift, Israel found a chance in its operation of El Defersoir at the west of the canal.
Therefore, it tried to encircle this operation by the largest possible propaganda to veil the size and value of losses caused to it as a result of the great success achieved by Arab arms. However, it became clear that this limited success relayed by Israel can not neutralize effects of the Arab military victory or veil the defeat of Israel.
Tens of questions were raised about the Defersoir operation ( The Gap ) many running after the Israel propaganda tried to use it as to justify despising the size and value of Arab military achievement, but we must confirm an important reality that all these questions and trials can not touch the value of this achievement, and can not hide the reality of political isolation in which became Israel.
Results of a war are measured by its general implication, by what revealed of comprehensive development and changes, and not by limited tactical guns and losses of this or that side which is a natural matter in any military operation
P.Kumar Narayan is an Indian Journalist seemed to specialized in middle east affairs , I could not find his book but I am searching for it right now
The victory becomes defeat thanks to the big Zionist media machine and to the great Arab mind set who likes the conspiracy theories and throwing treason charges like words so easily
Anyhow I recommend that you read it this wonderful website seriously and if you are convince with what is written in it or even if you believe it is good to read from both sides ,please spread it all over the web
thanks for the sources, i pity in advance for the comments this subject will generate!!
ReplyDeleteIn addition to your good sources , I would like to say that Ariel Sharon in a recorded interview with the B.B.C said :
ReplyDeleteOur forces on the west bank has turned into a captive for the Egyptians; which in turn has affected ou stance in the disengagment agreemnt"
The outcome of the first disengagement agrement was the withdrawal of Israel from the wst bank as well as an extra 30 kilometers from the east bank.
The second disengagment agreement in 1975, lead to an Israeli withdrawal from the strategic passses which were taken over by U.N forces which makes them[the passes] technically Egyptian, in addition to Isael givin back to Egypt the oil fields.
So one could quite rightfully say that Egypt liberated 30% odf Sinai by war in 1973..............
And thatwas the first time in history Israel loses a land on a battlefield.
In 1975 Egypt reopened the suez canal. And for those who were living in the ZIONIST ENTITY BACK THEN, it was a shock of a lifetime.
I am the one giving you the conspiracy headache, but for once I am giving you something close to supportive comments. Let us clear first something about Syria and the 1967 war, if you have some old military friends/advisors they will explain to you that prior to the war lots of talks were going on about how close to impossible the Syrian to be defeated by the Israeli army considering their highly fortunate geographic position at the Golan heights add to that the size and quality of Russian weapons provided to them. You know the fiasco of the first day but did you know that the Syrian army was asked by the top levels to retreat to Damascus to defend the ‘beloved Assad ‘against attempted coup. That fact is well known in Egypt, and prior to him there was a common saying circulating in a Egypt ‘the one who wake up earlier take the government in Syria’. He changed that with KGB like control over his citizens and what happened in Golan was just an extension. Add to that the state of ‘highly unqualifiedly trained ‘ Egyptian army, and the pressure Nasser put on King Hussein to join the coalition in just the prior few weeks with no prepared army .. No wonder what happened in 1967. Now, comes to 1973 the common wisdom in Egypt was not to depend too much on what the Syrian promised to do. That may explain Sadat’s orders to the better trained Egyptian army this time to proceed in the Sinai un- covered by air force and that what drove El-Shazly to blow up and the consequent firing him by Sadat. Nonetheless, what Sadat did was totally irresponsible and inconsiderate to the Egyptian soldier’s lives. The rest is history.
ReplyDeletegood effrt, many thanks fr your informaion.