Wednesday, January 7, 2009

The bloodiest day in Gaza since the beginning ground invasion

As usual the IDF targeted the civilian houses and children were killed

   The usual daily Scene at Fathers burying their little sons and daughters

And then we got the favourite act of the IDF of targeting UN schools and shelters where poor civilians though they would be safe from the Israeli total destruction machine !! About 40 civilians were killed in these schools  !!

  • Today’s death toll reached to 150 alone
  • Today’s injured toll reached  to more than 400 alone !!
  • Anyhow Karma is stalking the IDF today a group of IDF soldiers and officers were killed and injured by their own friendly fire including the commander of Golani special force !!!
  • The INF failed as usual to send its special forces to the shores of Gaza ,the resistance fought the forces back. The INF is not that strong by the way judging from its history.
  • The day finished with the orders to Golani to withdraw and some other special force will take their place in Gaza !! This is the second fiasco after Lebanon , it is no longer elite !!

The links of the day :

The Quotes of the day :

The photos I saw from Gaza yesterday was unbearable !!

Sarkozy of France

The murder of civilians in Gaza and Israel should stop immediately.

Obama of the United States

How to  the Palestinians :


  1. Im still wondering where is the Egyptian street, how come people are afraid to go to the streets, though they did in Tanta and some parts in Egypt. Are we all that afraid from a bunch of thugs like Mubarak and his policemen! I feel sad that Egyptians who have always stood up for Arab rights and especialy Palestinains have let us down this time. I love Egypt 2nd place after Palestine and I cant imagine such silence.

  2. I too love Egypt but I cry for the gullibilty of too many of its citizens. How can any intelligent person believe that the Israelis would specifically target schools. The "heros" of Hamas fire rockets into civilian areas of Israel from the vicinty of those schools deliberately to bring harm to the Palistinian children and other civilians so that world opinion blames the Jews. Blind hate that allows otherwise intelligent people to believe that Hamas is blameless when these very unfortunate things happen is very sad.

  3. I forgot to include this link in my previous post. It should be given some thought.

  4. The IDF used a Palestinian girl as human shield back in 2007 not now!
    I wouldn't be surprised if they did again, but just correcting!
    Thank you for all the info.
    Keep it up!
    May Allah lift away the sadness and war from the Palestinians. Ameen

  5. @Ali, do not be surprised ya Ali , in Tanta and other places were organized by the MB and other political forces whose members are not afraid to go to the street.
    About the rest of the Egyptian people , well my dear Palestinian friend do you see them object on their bad situation first !!?? No they do not and you know why because the Egyptian people do not rebel except when they reach to the extreme to the hunger revolution I am afraid ,this is not me , this is Gamal Hamadan in fantastic book "The personality of Egypt"
    We are peaceful patient people with all the cons of these two merits

    @Misrcribe , I do not know what to say to you but any intelligent fair person will find accuses to Hamas
    FYI according to the UN there were no Hamas members in the school. UN or Israel , well I take the UN word for sure ;) Check out the shelling of the Suez Canal cities on the 5th of June 1967 to see how the IDF targeted the Citizens and this time Nasser did not attack the heart of Israel !!

    @anonymous, this won't be the first or last war crime they should be trialled for according to international law but what I can say !! nothing Ameen on your prayer


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