Saturday, January 31, 2009

Can I as a Person accuse someone else with espionage simply like that ??

Saad El-Din Ibrahim is facing new charges of espionage. The Mubarak regime wants him in jail by all possible way.

Again Ibrahim is facing espionage charges, this time it is not the state but rather the Statesmen or to be accurate the regime’s men.

Lawyers and NDPians Hossam Mustafa Abd El-Rahman and Nabil Luka Babawy accused Saad El-Din Ibrahim of :

  • Espionage and contacting Foreign president “G.W Bush”
  • Transferring Information with a nature that could harm the national security abroad.

Babawy is a former police general who has two PhDs in law and economic. He is known as being a Christian that defends Islam and its history in Egypt. Still Babawy is well known in Egypt as one of the Regime die hard defenders. I do not know how he defends religions if he continually lies to save the regime.

I do not know much about Abd El-Rahman but he will be another a NDP loyal lawyer !!

The two lawyers went to the general prosecutors with these charges.I believe this is just another regime chapter in the war against Ibrahim. Already he faced several lawsuits from that kind.

Ibrahim is living outside Egypt for months now for fear if he returns back he would be either sent to jail or killed by the regime.

I do not agree on every thing Ibrahim says and believes in but it is unfair and unacceptable to be accused of treason just because we are opposing the regime in this way.

By the way Ibrahim published in the weekly edition of Al Dostor this week an article speaking of his student in the AUC“Suzanne Mubarak” ,yes he was her professor. I believe that he is not proud of his student nor her husband !!


  1. Hey Zeinobia, as-salaamu alaykum or as you guys say samu'alaykoo,

    I must confess to never having heard of Babawy, but the news of Ibrahim is not good...perhaps he should highlight Mrs Mubarak's Minyawiyyah (منياوية) roots, Mithai (مطاي) to be precise, or so I'm led to believe.

    Best wishes, keep blogging away and God bless

  2. people like saadel deen ibrahim, lke the bear who shoot her master with a stone just to chou the fly on him.
    they want to fix egypt but in a wrong naive way.
    the regime of egypt is the stability.

  3. @Sholmo, Wa alkim Al Salam "Peace upon you" , I know that she is from Mania "her father" where as her mom is from Wales , but you do know more than I do ??

    @Bastawisis , are you serious ??


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