Sunday, February 1, 2009

I apologize to Somalia and Comoros

I apologize to Somalia and Comoros for what the Egyptian Foreign Minister Ahmed Abu El-Gait had said last Tuesday in Cairo Today show against them.

Ahmed Abu El-Gait said that the Egypt worked to sabotage the Doha summit because you can’t relate the joint Arab work to the approval of Somalia and Comoros !!

Well I know that relations are not that good with Doha but why attacking Somalia and Comoros in this way !!?? Does it because they went to the summit without our approval or what !!?

This is a disrespect to two fellow Arab countries , I do not know how on earth he is speaking about the Joint Arab work if he does not respect other Arab countries even if they are not as important in his view like Egypt and Saudi Arabia !!??

Arrogant stupid talk from a rude arrogant person !!??

This is not a diplomat,this is Mr. Knuckles !!

Mr. Abu El-Gait one of the quality of being a true leader is to respect your followers.

It is enough that Egypt does not help at all these two countries !!

This man does not understand or know that  by this silly rude talk he was endangering our Blue Star Crew that currently under the mercy of Somali pirates; if those pirates are politically active , they could have harmed that crew after hearing this !!??

Why does Abu El-Gait want Egypt to lose more allies in the region because of his tongue ??

oh brother , one of the reasons we lost a lot in this crisis is Abu El-Gait.


  1. @Mo, what Soveriegnty and national security you are speaking about ,why does not Abu El-Gait speak about the picnics of the IDF in our skies ?? what about our soldiers and officers who were killed by the IDF , they are not less Egyptian than this officer who is said to be killed by Hamas elements "up till now I heard 4 different stories from reliable sources"
    where was Mr. Abu El-Gait and his regime when a gang from Africa came and kidnap people from our land ??
    Where is he from the Blue Star ship ?? this is a part of our national security,I am afraid
    Mo , please wake up from the NDP claims , no body wants or even can drags in to a war or Hamas would be mad enough to do what they claim,even if Iran was behind it , Egypt is Egypt
    My dear friend when you are big and great ,you do not act arrogantly with other countries, Somalia and Comoros did not say no to go any summit to help the Arab world
    I am afraid this is a disrespect because they are poor countries in Africa

  2. @ Mo,

    Egypt is facing no threat, immediate or not, from Israel, the west, etc, its security is nowhere near at "jeopardy" right now, so don't bring it into this matter. The only excuse you've been able to toss out there to justify Egypt's silence on the Gaza massacre is that "the bedouin might get arms". That is a very poor, almost baseless excuse undoubtedly regurgitated by state media. Yes, the same Egyptian state media that constantly slanders Hamas and the Ikhwan in order to scare the people against them.

    By saying that Hezbollah and Hamas are pawns of Iran, you're also using Israel's repeated attempts of justifying the conflict. Iran's influence over both resistance organizations is grossly exaggerated. What "influence" do they have? Logistically? Politically? These are vague accusations which hold little weight.

    That being said, Egypt's govt, which hold little credibility amongst its people anymore, has a lot of nerve to go lambasting other nations which at least have enough intelligence to voice their sympathy for Gaza and not detain its citizens who do the same. Egypt was once the beacon of the Arab nation, now it's a dim light that has been all but put out.

    Many hide behind the excuse that "the Arabs love to fight Israel down to the last Egyptian soldier". This joke has been outdated as of the 70's, and the people who spew it need to realize that

    1) Egypt has been replaced by Hezbollah and Hamas as the lions of the Arab World, at least in terms of symbolically defying Israel and upholding Arab pride.
    2) Egypt is not the only country being called upon to act, far from it. So they need to stop thinking that Egypt is the center of the Arab World.

    If the NDP regime continues to watch the Israelis slaughter the Palestinians silently from the sidelines, they should keep their mouth shut regarding other nations who don't

  3. There is no need to apologize Zeinobia. If our foreign policy stays on course, very soon we will be treated by many countries in the region the way we treat Comoros and Somalia.

  4. @Mo , in my point of view Mubarak reminds me with one of the Ayob dynasty kings who cooperated with the Crusaders in order to protect his throne from brother , Egypt was weak and strangely the crusaders were planning to invade Egypt but thank God the Nile flood came and ended that last crusade
    anyhow that king and his brother fought each other and in the end El-Salah Ayoub ruled and he was technically the last Ayoudi
    anyhow I wonder why you do not wonder why the Egyptian regime attracts Hamas before Hezbollah to its side . And please do not tell me because the MB , the MB reaches out with the regime when the regime wants something with him , please do not tell me that Dahlan who sold our secrets to the CIA and Mossad is better ally than Hamas, this is politics , Hamas does not hate us or can consider a real danger to our national security like what the NDP wants to imagine. It will be an insult to Egypt to be threatened by two groups
    again no one asked Egypt to go to war and the Palestinians know better than anyone else that just thinking in Sinai will make them see a hell from the Egyptian side
    Do not forget also that this option is made by our allies "the States and Israel"
    I am afraid the Media did not discredit the Egyptian regime but the actions of the Egyptian regime are the ones that discredited in front of the Egyptian people before the whole world.
    By the way what do yout think about Turkey and I am not speaking about Erodagan, but before that Turkey stood with Hamas and Gaza ?? do you think that Turkey has a hidden agenda to overtop us too
    My dear Mo if Iran and Turkey want to overtop us ,this is not their mistake because it is our mistake
    by the way Turkey is our ally according to the official statement and it said that Hamas is not a pawn to Iran regardless of Mashal big statements which are in the end free talk
    Also regarding the people of Sinai , well they are Egyptians , please check online from the Sinai bloggers like Ashraf Al Anany to know that as a State we are treating them as third degree citizen where as they the first line of defense. They do not want to become an independet stateb but they wil if the State insists on treating them like aliens
    @Sultan1923, My dear the NDP party members are big mouthes in the end

    @Minesweeper76, I think we will be worse , for God Sake we can't save our hijacked ship in Somalia !!


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