I found out that MBC network launched a new service in their official website where Celebs can blog and communicate directly with their fans. Do not put too much hope after all among those MBC celeb bloggers Saad El-Soghair and Marwa not to mention most of those B and C listed celebs are speaking about their new projects nothing more nothing less !! I am waiting from them to tweet.
Anyhow this shows you how blogging became an important growing means of media in the Arab culture
For me the real celeb bloggers in Egypt are Mohamed Khan and Khaled El-Sawy
Technorati Tags: blogging, bloggers, citizen journalism, news, geek, arts, culture

Anyhow this shows you how blogging became an important growing means of media in the Arab culture
For me the real celeb bloggers in Egypt are Mohamed Khan and Khaled El-Sawy
Technorati Tags: blogging, bloggers, citizen journalism, news, geek, arts, culture
yes blogging is very important specially in closed communities like Egypt and the Arab world