Thursday, April 30, 2009

Regarding the Pigs Massacre : A Necessity

Let’s speak in a scientific talk :
Yes the Swine flu does not transfer only through pigs to humans but it also it also transfers from humans to humans which is the dangerous stage in the disease.
Still the main origin of the virus is the pigs.
Now for the Swine flu is a combination between H1N1,H5N1 and human flu .
The H5N1 mutated in Egypt and the WHO as I hinted several times in my blog warned from the pigs farms and its danger on health especially those farms are inside the cities not outside it.
For three years there was a presidential decree issued to transfer the farms outside the cities in the different governorates and up till now it has not been implemented because of the powerful lobby of garbage collectors , do not laugh you do not know how big is the garbage collecting business. You only have to know that this lobby is standing against the Recycle business in Egypt.
Now back to flu the WHO is saying that the H5N1 is mutating dangerously in Egypt so we do not need to have our own Swine flu in Egypt thanks to the combination of H5N1 with human flu and Swine flu !!
I know pigs are God’s creatures but God gives us mind to think and God ordered us not to throw ourselves in doom ,the protection is better than treatment.
Those poor thousands who work in pigs farms do not understand the danger that they are facing , if they are infected with Swine flu locally ,they will be the first victims and it is well known that the government won’t help them , in fact there is no vaccine will be available to the world except at least after 6 months. We know that our government has the worst crisis management responsibility ever and the proof on that is the H5N1 for God Sake.
It is ridiculous and irresponsible to claim that this decision was taken for religious reasons because you have to know that the Christian Church as I repeated thousand times has agreed and support the government decision. Now it amazed me that for some Christians it is ok to listen to the Pope’s order to vote for Mubarak but when he supports a decision for the best interest of all Egyptians ,some are deaf !!! I would like to hint that the Christians MPs voted for the slaughter of pigs in the Parliament.
Regarding the FAO and WHO reactions , well pardon me but I saw Dr.Hussein Abdel-Razzak Al Gezairy, the head of the regional office of WHO in the region saying on TV that both slaughtering the pigs or transferring them to isolated areas were good decision !! So why the WHO and FAO are so angry !!
Unfortunately this is a presidential decree and despite the official announcement that the slaughtering will start on Saturday , the slaughtering has started already today. Mubarak won’t cancel a presidential decree because of pigs so he would be become the joke of the Egyptians , I do not know what those international organizations were thinking when they were asking the halt of this presidential decree. !!!
Now the minister of health presented a summarized report to Mubarak about the Avian flu and Swine flu in Egypt and the world today. You can download and read the report here ,it is already in Arabic. It is actually a presentation to be accurate.
It is very short and summarized, it included data about the  suspicion ,infection and death rates of H5N1 in Egypt since its entry in Feb  2006 . According to international numbers Egypt is the third country in the world after Indonesia and Vietnam in terms of infection and death rates !!! It is not a new thing to me but may be for Mubarak. The report included a definition to the swine flu, how it transfers,its symptoms and the ministry’s plan to face the new challenge. The most important parts concerning the Swine flu is that the results of the tests they done on some of the pig raisers in Great Cairo area , the tests came negative thank Goodness.
The report included a map for the pigs farms in Egypt :

I think now the President is calmed down by his men that everything is under control which I hope it is because we have not yet finished from the H5N1 bomb so we can deal with this scary new threat.
I forget to say that the Health ministry is considering Sinai as an expected virus entry area because Israel announced that there are confirmed H1N1 cases there , I won’t use the swine word as it is not allowed there !!! Speaking about Israel , I think we should do the same thing they are doing at Ben Gurion airport in Cairo airport. Back to Sinai , this is too much for this dear part of the nation , war , smuggling and now swine flu !!


  1. Hello Zeinobia, its good to read your perspective. Because all the media (Euronews, CNN, BBC) is describing the Egyptian pig story as a conspiracy against Copt church and a way for the Moubarak regime to score points with the Muslim authorities.

  2. Thanks Maya , it is good that my voice have reached out to explain our view to the world.

  3. It kind of is a conspiracy against Copts!
    Where's the scientific evidence? "Swine Flu" which is the wrong name for the disease has yet to be found in any pigs! There's no scientific proof that it can transmit from pigs to humans. The WHO and FAO have both called the decision to cull all pigs in Egypt as inappropriate. Even the Egyptian government has come out on international media and declared the culling part of a hygiene clean up and not a precautionary measure against H1N1 Influenza A (The real name of the "Swine Flu").
    I suggest you do some research!

  4. First: there is no god... join us in the 21st century.
    Second: for the love of your imaginary god, READ:

  5. Jean-Paul said...
    Please read this excellent paper, little brained girl, and don't pretend to be a scientist :


    Dr Jean-Paul Richier - Paris

  6. using this logic

    swine flu virus is from pigs
    avian flu is from birds
    human flu is from humans

    shouldn't we get rid of all 3 because that is what this virus is made up of.


  7. The slaughter is an unnecessary, resource-consuming task. Egyptians would be most likely to catch it in the metro.

    Admitting that the slaughter is useless does NOT mean that you have to buy into the "conspiracy against the copts" argument.

  8. a.mahmoud@utoronto.ca5/04/2009 12:30:00 PM

    I'm sorry, but that's just complete garbage. I don't even know where to start...

    "It is ridiculous and irresponsible to claim that this decision was taken for religious reasons because you have to know that the Christian Church as I repeated thousand times has agreed and support the government decision."

    First off, there's no proof of that. Second, are you serious?
    Do you really think the Egyptian government requires the Church's rubber stamp to do anything in that country?
    And even if, the church doesn't speak on behalf of Christians. The government, in a Stalinesque fashion is stripping hundreds of thousands of people of their livelihood. This is a morally reprehensible act, and the fact that it was sanctioned by the Church doesn't justify it.

    "WHO is saying that the H5N1 is mutating dangerously in Egypt so we do not need to have our own Swine flu in Egypt thanks to the combination of H5N1 with human flu and Swine flu !!"

    That doesn't even make any sense.


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