Monday, December 7, 2009

ElBaradei on Farid Zackaria GPS : Egypt’s Shape

Mohamed ElBaradei spoke today on Farid Zackaria GPS and despite the main theme of his segment was about Iran ,he spoke about running for the presidency of Egypt ; it will be stupidity for Zackaria to ignore this . I do not give a damn for the Iranian Nuke thing , but I do give a damn for what Dr. ElBaradei has said  about Egypt on CNN. Ignore talkative Holbrooke and Thomas Friedman whom I am very curious to know what he thinks about ElBaradei and watch ElBaradei from exactly 30: 50

The interview was recorded a month before the Iranian declaration of building 10 new nuclear plants which means that this interview if I am not mistaken was recorded in October 2009 and so Farid asked him his question about Egypt before his set of conditions announcement but after his first interview in Egyptian press regarding the matter

He repeated what had said before from running for the post if there are free elections he declared , not that only he also slammed the regime indirectly by referring to our undeniable terrible status whether economically or socially or political

Ironically last time Farid Zackaria hosted an Egyptian on his show , he hosted Gamal Mubarak whom was identified or introduced as the next president of Egypt.

The game is on and I think things are not going to be quiet any sooner in Cairo.The regime is attacking crazily officially and unofficially.

I love that yellow smile of Zackaira

“Perhaps next time we will talk more about Egypt !!”


  1. zeinobia they have a pill for your baradei obsession you know!

  2. @Anon, what kind of pill is that? very curios to know! As far as El Baradei, we know the whole world respect him!

  3. it has nothing to do with respect! he (baradei) commands respect whether you like it or not, so don't distract us by talking about respect! but he is not suited for the job!

    Luvox is the medication for Z i would say 150 mg twice a day and her compulsion to post all things baradei should subside.

  4. Most intellectualls are obsessed with El Baradei.
    Coninue posting Zeinobia and let us seek a better future for our country.

    Please for any one who like to have a better future for Egypt please join the Face book group

    Mohamed El Baradei 2011

  5. Z why did you censor my post? i was actually defending dr elbaradei! you guys distract everyone with the whole notion of respect blah blah blah


    but imo and many others he is just not suited for the job of being president of a country with problems that date back 90 years!

    as for the medication thing i apologize if i offended you!

  6. @ Anon, does that mean the only one suited is at least a 90 yrz old president?

    Egypt needs two things some justice and vision


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