- The commandos attacked happened on humanitarian vessels in international waters , the flotilla had not entered the Israeli water.
- The organizers had been rising White flags
- The commandos started to open their fires while they were going down from the helicopter.
- There is no clear news on what happened exactly to Sheikh Raed Salah, since the morning there has been contradicting news on what exactly happened to him.
- No news about the archbishop Capucci either but Nobel Prize Mairead Corrigan Maguire has been captured.
- There are updates from Israel except that 16 activists are detained and transferred to Beersheba and the rest will be deported to their countries after promising not to do this again !! There are rumors that Israel wants to exchange the detainees with Shalit.
- 3 hospitals in Ashdod , Ashkelon and Tel Aviv are in full alert just like the rest of the country .
- The Israeli commandos had detailed list with certain people with pictures, you can see it here
I do not know how the Israelis think but I believe all their plans have failed as the whole world is against them now in a rare moment , real rare moment when the ugly face of the IDF and the racism of the Israeli administration are shown to the whole world naked with no masks what so ever. Bibi had to cut his visit in Canada and return back immediately to Tel Aviv cancelling his highly anticipated meeting with Obama which to be held tomorrow. The white house has already released a press statement which is ambiguous and very diplomatic in its own way if I may say.
That operation whatever silly name the Israelis call it proved to be a big fiasco whether politically or from media point of view. Israel is forcing the people and the world to isolate it more and more , academically many international universities and academies are boycotting Israel , many markets and trade associations are boycotting Israel and I believe more associations and groups will boycott Israel .
Now to international and regional reactions starting with Turkey which considered the attack on Marmar is an attack on the Turkish waters in Marmar sea.
The Turks are on fire , they are very extremely angry and politically all Turkish parties are against the attack of Marmar especially with the Turkish death toll. Since last time the Turks were protesting in front of the Israeli consulate after knowing that the Israelis were following the flotilla with bad intentions. It seems that they stayed till the morning when they knew what happened and tried to storm the consulate building in extreme anger. Turkey has summoned both its ambassador in Tel Aviv and the Israeli envoy in Ankara. Today there was an attack on a Turkish base at the same time the Prime minister is abroad, the President has met with the defense minister and let's say that there is a lots of jazz in Turkey.
Here is a video showing the Turks protesting in front the Israeli consulate
Ironically the flotilla has united for the first time Turkey and Greece as both countries decided to cancel their military exercises with Israel which were to be held in the coming months. Greece also summoned the Israeli ambassador along with almost all the European countries that have got citizens on the flotilla.There are also protests in these countries in front of the Israelis consulates and embassies.
the question I ask myself after every similar incident : Was the victim really as peaceful as apparent ? I mean here: with the presence of Raed Salah ,are we sure the flotilla carried only humanitarian support??? Personally,I am not.
ReplyDeleteMay GOD grant the victims mercy any way.
The question is : Do you know Sheikh Raed Salah for real before assuming that question just because he is wanted by Israel !!??
ReplyDeleteTo be a ‘victim’ by itself is a complete meaning doesn’t require further qualification (like more or less peaceful).
ReplyDeleteQuestions and statements should focus on the criminal; otherwise it is a way of diverting the blame.
Look what those "peaceful" people did when the Israeli soldiers started to land on the ship. The soldiers were only armed with paint ball guns and hand guns. They were forced to use their hand guns after the thugs and terrorist supporters brutally attacked the Israeli soldiers.
no one hear about all of this hear. CNN has been interviewing Jews on TV to talk about the incident. Best source for the news now is Twitter
ReplyDeleteZeinobia ....
ReplyDeleteDoes any body know any body for real except God Almighty ??? We only make logical assumptions based onour own observations,or the facts we believe in
victim here in my sentence is just a linguistic expression ... as I told Zeinobia above,we can never be sure where is the truth ,we just have to consider all possibilities.
Anyway, not to be misunderstood,I am not defending what happened , but I simply dislike this emotionalway of judgement that characterizes the Arabs,unfortunately.We just wail and shout following the typical losers'attitude...also unfortunately.
The Israeli government proved to be its own worst enemy by undertaking this stupid move in international waters.
ReplyDeleteThe boycott reminds me of the Nazi boycott of Jews in Warsaw, Poland. They are treating the Palestinian people the same way the Nazis treated them!
Yet the oppression experienced by Jews should render them tolerant and humane towards a helpless people.
Furthermore, the Palestinian people are experiencing a worse treatment from the indifference of Arab governments who provide them with nothing more than empty slogans.
Israel should realize that violence and oppression never yields positive results and the alternative is to live and let live in peace and equality.
Enough said!
ReplyDeleteGenetic evidence strongly indicates that Jews and Palestinians are ancestrally very closely related to each other, yet they continue to hate and kill one another.....ironic.
Here are some sources among many on the internet:
Peace activists Zeinobia?
Since you still haven't answeared my Q I'm finally truelly convinced that:
A. You are not a democrate but a MB (i.e. Hamas, IJ, Qaeda, Taliban) supporter in disguise.
B. You are not intrested in the truth but in propaganda and lies. This confirms my notaion that Arabs and Muslism are unable to deal with the truth and therefore unable of creating a democracy.
So this is my final comment. I won't be visiting your garbage blog anymore.
Good luck with Egyptian "democracy".
Unfortunately I have to agree with Joel. I had hoped for more from you.Obviously it will never be so I will not make any more futile comments.Good luck!