Thursday, August 26, 2010

Abdullah Kamal : When Hate And Jealousy Unite And Speak

Did anyone by chance or by mistake watch Abdullah Kamal last night in Manshat on On TV !!?
What is this huge hate or rather jealousy towards all other newspapers in the market !!??
What is this huge hate or rather jealousy that reached to the level of predicting the disappearance of Al Masry Al Youm in 2012 !!??
Officially according to Al Ahram distribution Rosa Al Youssef Daily prints and distributes 10,000 ; of course of these copies return back to Rosa which is on the brink of bankruptcy.
Why does he hate  Hisham Kassem to this level !!??
From an economic point of view the Egyptian market can handle another daily newspaper considering our population by the way , does not Kamal believe in open market system !!??
Why does he suspect Siyad Badawy’s intentions in Dostor where as he respects Ahmed Ezz to the level of predicting that his new channel will be a new school in TV journalism !!?? Who does he knew !!?
Abdullah Kamal is not a veteran journalist to be treated as if he were an expert in journalism in the first place.
My only explanation to all that hate is that awful man knows that his 15 minutes of fame will end as soon as this regime fails down and believe me insh Allah it will very soon. 

1 comment:

  1. or once he gets kicked out of his post, which he didnt deserve in the first place


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