Monday, December 27, 2010

RIP Papa Maged

Papa Maged "1936-2010"
Maged Abdel Razek or Papa Maged as many generations in Egypt knew passed away yesterday in Cairo. Papa Maged “1936-2010” was from the most famous children TV host whose show continued on the Egyptian TV for decades since 1960s till early 1990s as I remember .
I believe I am  from the last generation that still remembers how sweet ,simple and sincere in his TV show and how he used to connect to children better than any other TV host now. He was truly a sweet person and an artist too. Maged Abdel Razek was a graduate of the school of fine arts and after retirement from TV he returned back to his first love “painting”.
I can’t forget how he once cried on TV while speaking about his old teacher in school Miss Afaf. The last time I saw him on TV was during the TV jubilee celebration.
Here is the only clip I found for him online , Papa Maged and late puppeteer artist Naglaa Rafaat explain to the children masks  and customs. Naglaa Rafaat was another pioneer artist in her field who was not honored as she should in her life !!
Papa Maged and Naglaa Rafaat–Little arts
May Allah bless his soul. Dear Papa Maged we will always remember you.


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  3. I fully agree with your comments on Papa Maged. He will truly be missed. We created a fan page for him in facebook under this link:!/pages/Maged-Gamel-Abdelrazek-Baba-Maged/176688249019389


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