Thursday, December 16, 2010

This Is Really Bad Year For Farouk Hosni !!

Hosni wearing a velvet suit in 1970s
Not only Farouk Hosni lost the UNESCO chair but it seems that bad luck is following him because this year not only a Van Gogh painting was stolen “has not been found yet” but also his yacht in Alexandria has been drowned in the Kassem storm.
Farouk Hosni owned a Yacht in Alex and he is said to own in the Nile in front of his his duplex in Giza. From where does he have all that money to own two yachts !!?? sorry forget that I even dared to ask that question.
I think Dr. Hosni has to get back to the yellow status of grief he talked about after his loss in the UNSCO race.   Of course he was happy that the Wikileaks cables proved what he was saying that there was an American conspiracy against him. “Thank God for that American conspiracy” but here is his yacht drowned in the storm.
Hosni got nice publicity last week when American writer and translator Raymond Stock  who dared and criticized his excellency found himself blacklisted in Cairo airport and had to be deported from the country. Hosni denied any relation with that incident but nobody believes him. By the way as we celebrate the Naguib Mahfouz centennial , Stock translated some of Naguib Mahfouz novels while living  in Egypt.
There has not been any update about the stolen Van Gogh painting up till now.


  1. Where did you find this pic? with this pic posted, I think he will agree it is a bad year indeed

    Was that his exhibit? and do you know where?Italy?

  2. Well Dudu I found it actually in his official website !!?? I do not know where it was though , it could be in Italy in 1970s in one of his exhibits for his crazy tasteless paintings

  3. zeinobia heheh couldn't stop laughing
    i thank the conspiracy too :D
    once they said on el jazeera that the good thing in his paintings is that everyone can imagine it they like :D


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