Sunday, November 18, 2012

To the Children in #Assuit, #Gaza and #Syria

This is a famous Palestinian lullaby sang by Palestinian Rima El Banna , “Ya Sitti” lullaby { oh My grandma}

 I dedicate to the children of Assuit , Gaza and Syria.
The popular version of that lullaby was cover by none other than legendary Fairoz in 1960s “Rima goes to sleep
All Children go to heaven.


  1. Dear Zeinab, what about the small children of Israel?

  2. This is truly sad. In this country all busses are required to stop at rail crossings whether there are lights flashing or not. I hope Egypt will adopt the same laws.

    1. This exactly what I mentioned to Zeinobia in previous comment. OK the man controlled crossing was run by sleepy one, transit busses and PARTICULARLY school busses must stop first at the crossing (regardless of light or not)and treat it as STOP sign (I know in Egypt this means nothing),if that was the enforced practice , then the right barriers exist. What exactly , so called local politicians (like mayor, governors) do (besides taking bribes of course)?? . This country needs to wake up and smell the dirt that spreads all over. Egypt needs to focus on local needs, work, food, crime stopping and measures to stop chaotic accidents like this one.Forgot about international politics for sometime, learn the lessons from what Spain did following WWII , focussing on local needs, improve tourism , expand technical projects to improve local skills. Then the country can wake up.


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