Monday, April 8, 2013

Will There Be A Civil War Between Muslims and Christians ? Send to us the answer in SMS !!!

What you read in the headline has been actually aired in the news bar in the Hafez TV channel last night.
In the news bar "by Mohamed Ali"
For hours on air the infamous so-called Islamist channel "It is insult to Islam more than anything" published an important question and asked its viewers to send their answers.
"Will there be a civil war between Muslims and Christians !?" Please send your SMS on 94172 
Seriously !? Civil war !?
It is worth to mention the CEO of the channel and its main host Atef Abdel Rashid was invited and seated beside the minister of information last week in that conference about media's freedom and future in Egypt.
Is not this incitement !?? Is not this a direct danger on the so-called social peace and National security !!?


  1. What would be the reason for such a war?

    What kind of conflict of interest exists in Egypt between the Muslims and Christians?

  2. I Think this message on the the TV is to attract people to be the civil war..Civil war is not an option that can't exist. People have so much hatred in their hearts, which make them ready for a war.
    I hope I'm Wrong

  3. If you ask me the main problem is emotions run high very fast in Egypt. So if there are some people doing provocative things there is a good chance that things boil up. I feel sometimes like in a sandpile. i destroy your sandcastle and you want to destroy mine. So if someone burns down a mosque (may god prevent that) a church will burn very likely. Or two. Or the other way round. And if something like that happens and it is not contained asap there is a certain risk things get out of control. Especially as there are enough people and TV-stations that try to escalate things.

  4. Zeinobia: here is one of the criminals that was involved in the attack and fired a gun at the Coptic cathedral and his name is Hasan el-Masri and his picture is all over the internet and he is a member of Hazimuun

    Do not even hold your breath because those in charge have no regard for the Copts and shame on them


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