Journalists from around the globe organized today another online viral campaign in solidarity with the Al Jazeera international staff marking 100 days of their arrest in Egypt.
Again we find journalists from BBC , Channel4 News , Sky News and Al Jazeera network participating in online viral campaign using the hashtags “#FreeAJStaff” and “FreeJournalists”
Today BBC and its reporters were the stars of the online protest when its reporters , TV and radio hosts and journalists joined the campaign and stood a moment of silence in front of the BBC building in London calling for the release of journalists in Egypt.
I have to hint out that Al Jazeera international and other reporters like Sohip Saad accused in the so-called “Marriott cell” are not the only detained journalists in Egypt. We got Al Jazeera News correspondent Abdullah El Shamy who has been in detention with no official charges for more than 200 days. You must know that El Shamy has been on food strike for more than 60 days. His wife Gehad Khaled is also on a food strike.
The trial of Marriot Cell is still on. It was adjourned last week to April 10th. Of course the judge refused the defendants on bail.
Peter Greste in the trial last week |
Again the Egyptian journalists seem to be busy to defend this important cause but do not get me wrong. Some of them are still defending their right in life in the first place. After the murder of late Dostor reporter
Mayada Ashraf during the clashes between the MB and security forces , Egyptian photographers went on a strike last Friday demanding protection.
The decision of photojournalism sector in Journalists syndicate |
That was the first time in the history of Egyptian Photojournalism we have a strike for one day like that.
Stop killing journalists |
You must know that Egyptian newspapers and channels do not provide its reporters with any protection what so ever despite the clashes , despite the bombing and despite the direct attacks against reporters in Egypt.You must know that all people are now allergic from cameras whether security forces or Pro-Morsi supporters or angry locals. It is dangerous to be a journalist nowadays in Egypt.
I think the right title should be "" free Egypt" ...since we are all prisoners in some way
ReplyDeletethere are no comments on this seems a lot of people are afraid to comment. But what commendable courage the egyptian journalist have displayed .... bravo!