And we woke up on another massacre !!
For hours and hours through out night Israeli forces intensified its shelling and bombardment in the small
Al-Shejaiya district killing not less than 40 and injuring hundreds as well forcing hundreds of thousands to flee.
"It is like hell" a repeated description for what was and is happening in Al-Shejaiya by its residents fleeing the scene and seeking refugees in the UNRWA facilities and Al-Shifa hospital. Not less than 85,000 Palestinians are fleeing the area.
Updated : The death toll increased to 60. Photos showing a horrifying reality.
Reuters |
Reuters |
AP |
AP |
AP |
AP |
AP |
Reuters |
Dead bodies are everywhere according to the eye witnesses.
There was small Humanitarian truce that did not live too long between Israel and Hamas to let the ambulances in.
IDF claims that it attacked El-Shajeiya because the whole area was hiding rockets in the houses and mosques.
More shocking graphic video clips showing what happened after the Israeli attack. Please forget about Hamas for once and think about those humans as truly humans.
This is at El-Shifa hospital's morgue
Ambulances can not reach to certain areas in Al-Shajeiya , already one of the medics were killed there. Al-Shafaa hospital is full of injured , dead bodies and refugees with supplies that can not stand much. The Red Cross proposed a humanitarian truce and Hamas accepted it.
Here is a Photo gallery for the horrifying massacre.
Hamas doesn't want cease fire, they continue to fire rockets at Israel from Al-Shejaiya and other neighborhoods in Gaza.
DeleteYet again the Palestinians rush eagerly to show off the mangled corpses of their dead like grisly trophies. The Israelis have too much respect for the sensitivities of the viewers and the anguish of the families. To my knowledge, the Palestinians are alone in the world with this unseemly behavior.
ReplyDeleteWhat you are saying echoes exactly what southern racists were saying when Emmett Till's mother decided to show the world the body of her son to see what racist murderers had done to her son. You are sounding just like those southern racists.
DeleteThe Palestinians are not showing off at all. Rather they are showing, lest the world forget. They are showing, just as Auschwitz and photos from Nazi atrocities needs to be shown.
If Emmet Till's mother shows her son's body, the family already knows. It's civilized behavior, respecting the Western tradition of holding off until families are notified. The Palestinians make no attempt to do that, ever. They just want the blood to be fresh when the cameras are rolling.
DeleteBy the way here's a live link to that video from Anonymous 7/21/2014 09:41:00 AM. It's true, they really do give hand grenades to kids, they admit it themselves.
Anonymous7/21/2014 11:24:00 AM, give up. French is a dieing language.
Que des commentaires sionistes avec le mot clé Hamas.. et bien c'est pas beau. Je serai donc le seul à ne pas en être.
ReplyDeleteWhy you accept to publish the Zionists comments.
It is confusing.
Poor Hamdy. Confused by free speech.
Deleteyou can not call that free speech.
ReplyDeleteThere is another name for it
Oh, I get it. Free speech means speech you like. ROFL.
DeleteHamdy, how the hell did a Hamas supporting Islamist terrorist like you get a job with the United States Army Corps of Engineers Cold Regions Research and Engineering Laboratory (CRREL) as you wrote on your Google+ profile page? They actually trusted you not to blow up bridges and dams? FFS
Hamdy youssef: the photos of dead Palestinians are terrible. I am appalled by what is happening to the innocent civilians in Gaza. I cannot imagine the amount of pain they are suffering, and I truly wish it would end soon and they will be able to start whatever process of recovery they can (although the scars will undoubtedly remain for the rest of their lives).
DeleteI am quite certain that the people of Hamas have chosen to adopt the path of violence because they too bear such painful scars. Hamas is acting out of hatred towards Israel. That hatred is blinding Hamas and causing them to sacrifice the innocent citizens of Gaza.
Hamdy Youssef - if you are blaming Israel because you think that this will solve the situation then you are mistaken. Israel is not free of blame here, but if you ignore the very significant part that Hamas has in this equation, then you will never find a solution.
Hamdy, there were few articles , by propalestenian writers claiming they are winning this war. Does that give you a clue who are doing their best to avoid civilian casualties and who are considering the death of children a victory ?
DeleteSisi's minions claimed that all opposition a plot orchestrated by the U.S. to divide and devastate Egypt. They also tried to claimed that pro-democracy elements had pro-Israel leanings or were Masonic Zionists or some other fantasy rubbish. Now they claim to express pro-Palestinian sentiments is to be treasonous and that one should de-facto back either the U.S. or the Israeli view of the conflict.
ReplyDeleteNow that is some dumb propaganda work. They can't keep their story straight, they can't keep up with events (let alone anticipate and foresee them), and they do major u-turns to try to guess what message their dictator wants conveyed.
Protip: Don't be surprised if the opposition seizes the opportunity to argue that Sisi is a foreign stooge setup for the purpose of destroying Palestine and inciting divisive civil war in Egypt. It was just plain dumb for supporters of Sisi's homicidal rule to start the foolish demagoguery of accusing their opponents of being backed by the West, Turkey, and others. If you start taking unpopular policies (such as vilification of all Palestinians), don't be surprised if people call you out on your efforts to invoke ultranationalism and McCarthy-like attacks on your political foes. These propagandists lack basic sense of how many dictatorships use narrative control to survive for more than a very few years.
Sisi's approach to this war is making him look more like a joke not just in the Middle East, but also among the West as well. By first vilifying the United States and smearing political opponents as allegedly constituting a Zionist-American conspiracy and then attacking anyone who rejects an anti-Palestinian stance or supports Palestinian independence, the Sisi government is handing its opponents a some powerful political weapons. Imagine what is happening to popular opinion of this man in Arab countries outside the sway of the fanatical pro-Saudi and pro-Sisi media.
Now you know.
ReplyDeleteYou have three Zionists in your readers.
WHO DONE IT?? or,& as a matter of fact WHO'S DOING IT?? Well let's find out,SORRY,..France's Inspecteur Monsieur Hercule POIROT & Homicide Detective Inspector Mr.COLOMBO in the USA..both left this world long ago..and most possibly trying to find out>> WHO'S DONE IT, TO-THEM..IN THE END?/Anyway..what i want to say is we only know about the victims but what about the culprit-s-?We don't hear or see anyone brought to justice as if someone from other dimension committed all the mayhem and vanished ,like a salt diluted in a glass of water as we say!!I mean ,when late British Lady novelist AGATHA CHRISTIE's book made into a stage play called THE MOUSE TRAP Woman's, agreement? that's why it lasted long decades and still running on London's stages since 1952..even longer/.. >THE BRITISH SECRETS< act itself ,as kept political secrets get admitted to the public after 3 decades of its day?!,,VERY WELL kept secret is The MOUSE TRAP one..Amazing indeed!!..So why not we get to know the facts,and left in blinding darkness..or WORST things gets swept under the carpets...for sometime then out again to create fine mess on the floor!..GUESSING GAMES?<its days are OVER,,,FINGER POINTING replaced it FINALLY,SO anyone can run But can't HIDE,this is what we all are entitled and need now days ..any other conclusion-s are just TIME consuming and waste of resources!! Regards from Is.Barsoumian/London