Monday, December 28, 2015

Watch this : Batoul's Khartoum Restaurant in Cairo

Watch this short report about Cairo's Khartoum Sudanese restaurant in the heart of the Egyptian busy capital.
Khartoum restaurant is said to be the first Sudanese restaurant in Cairo that was inaugurated in 1986 by a Sudanese couple that fled South Sudan.
The video report is produced by Qoll website, it is very interesting and with English subtitles.
Here is the Arabic report by Sally about the restaurant which has become a very popular place for Sudanese in the crowded Cairo.
Qoll TV : Batoul's Sudanese restaurant

What I love about this report is showing how Mrs. Batoul continued to operate the restaurant after her husband Sala Bashir successfuly. Also how it is not only a restaurant but it turned out to become a part of hotel or hostel for the Sudanese in Cairo.

Batoul at her restaurant 
Now I have my doubts that this is Cairo's first Sudanese restaurant as the Sudanese community has been Egypt's largest community for a long time since the time Egypt and Sudan were one kingdom.
May be there were old Sudanese restaurants in Cairo during the time of the Kingdom that were closed later.
Also there could be other old Sudanese restaurants in governorates other than Cairo.
Anyhow with a quick search online , I found out that the Khartoum restaurant is the oldest restaurant in Cairo in Al-Attaba popular area uniting Sudanese from Sudan and South Sudan over food. Already this small restaurant turned in 20 years the street it is located at in to a "Sudan street".
Currently , Khartoum restaurant got a competition from other three restaurants in the same area as welll more than 5 cafes for Sudanese.
I do not think that Mr. Salah Bashir and his wife thought that they would be inaugrating actually a little Khartoum in the heart of Cairo when they came in early 1980s.

1 comment:

  1. حباينا السودانيين ...محسودين دايما علي تكاتفتهم وكونهم مع بعض فى الغربة يا زنوبياوالله ...هم فعلا عائلة مع بعض ..فى كل مكان
    الله يسعدك يارب على الموضوع الممتاز ده


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