Friday, December 15, 2017

Seen in Cairo : The Zamalek Obelisk

Zamalek Obelisk

Seen in Cairo: The underrated Zamalek Obelisk at Al-Horreya public Garden.
I do not know much about its ancient history or its true location before it was transferred to its current location in a public garden in the upscale Nile island.
I do not know which Pharaoh it has immortalizing his name all those years but one thing for sure , he did not imagine it would survive thousands of years keeping his name high in a public garden.

Here is how it looks from the Nile.

The obelisk of Zamalek
The Nile view 

The upper photo Via Instagram 


  1. lovely photos. Somehow, being there 3 times in the Marriott resorts, I still managed to miss this down on the river bank. Debra

  2. I can see Pharaoh Ramsess II's name on there.


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