Friday, April 29, 2022

Ramadan Arabian Nights 2022: Tale of Al-Ashkeef “Taking the seal” Ep.29

Ramadan Kareem

Here is our 29th night of Ramadan Arabian nights.

Now, you can refresh your memory and listen to last night’s episode.

Here is the 29th episode of our tale tonight. It was episode no.611 of our favourite show.

Al-Ashkeef is furious because of Sabah and he summons the servant of Solomon’s seal ordering him to bring Sabah’s brothers but the Djinn servant can’t find them anymore and thinks that they are dead.

Sabah cries.

An Arabian nights book's illustration by Walter Paget 

Al-Ashkeef decides to drink the wine in order to forget. The wine tastes fishy and after a few seconds, he fell down.

Sabah gives the sign to Zaafran to come out and to see if the evil djinn is dead or not.

Zaafran takes the seal of Solomon at the same moment Al-Ashkeef begins to wake up.

He only had a nap. Al-Ashkeef realizes that he is weak now.

As a Knight and A grandson of Luqman, Zaafran refuses to kill Al-Ashkeef without a fair fight.

After a short sword fight, Zaafran kills Al-Ashkeef and cuts off his head.

Prince Denis aka Abu El-Yosr at this moment appears and asks them to take Al-Ashkeef’s head to show it to the Djinn in their realm to show them that their nightmare is over and they are free.

The world is free of his horror

Here is the 29th episode of the tale televised.

Tomorrow night inshallah we know what happens at King Rihan’s court.

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