Tuesday, October 11, 2022

What does Gamal Mubarak really want !?

What does Gamal Mubarak really want !?

This question has been popping into my mind and repeating over and over with no clear answer.

Gamal Mubarak returned to the public scene in a big way on 6th October 2022. He paid a visit to his father’s tomb to meet a huge number of fans out of nowhere then visited the Memorial of the Unknown Soldiers and took photos with the soldiers and officers there.

Gamal Mubarak
Gamal Mubarak at the memorial of the Unknown Soldier in Cairo 
on 6 October (Cairo 24)

He did not act as a simple person without any official or unofficial responsibility, he was acting like an elected official or political leader in a rally accompanied by a big muscled body.

Videos from the merry tour were shared showing the fans of citizens telling him that the days of his father were better.

Now I got some questions. 

Gamal Mubarak
Gamal Mubarak with his fans at his father's tomb

Who opened the Mubaraks cemetery to that group of fans !?

Who tipped websites like Veto and Cairo 24 that GM was going on a tour on 6th October !?

Anyhow watches that tour will know that it was more than paying respect to the “heroes of the 1973 war”.

That’s campaigning behaviour if I am saying!!

There is some anonymous popular campaign online calling him to run for the Presidential office but most people do not know who is behind it. 

That account joined Twitter in October 2021 and launched a Facebook page in May 2022. The Facebook page of that enigmatic campaign was launched on the same day the Mubaraks released that video where Gamal Mubarak commented on the decision of the European Union’s General Court to uphold its previous decision to unfreeze their assets in Europe.

Needless to say, we do not know to this day as public why they have assets in Europe in the first place in millions of Europe.

Gamal Mubarak
Gamal Mubarak reading Al-Fatiha on the soul of the unknown soldier 
memorial ( Cairo 24) 

In some bad irony, it posted on Monday a Tweet under the hashtag “#Kefaya” or “Enough”, the same slogan used by the Egyptian Movement for Change protesting Hosni Mubarak’s rule and his attempts to transfer power to Gamal Mubarak.

It is like a bad joke.

Pro-Sisi supporters launched a hashtag mocking Gamal Mubarak calling him #GamalKofta reminding him of how his father’s era was a failure and wondering from where he got his millions abroad. Already they brought up that report published in tabloids when Queen Elizabeth that the Mubaraks are richer than the late British Monarch as their assets in Europe reached nearly USD 750 million while Queen Elizabeth II got only USD 500 million.

I wish they also asked why we failed to restore those millions.

The mainstream media avoided speaking about him but it is all over social media.

I do not understand what Gamal Mubarak does especially, on the other hand, we got his father-in-law and Real estate tycoon Mahmoud El-Gamal a member of the Consultive council formed by the Government from businessmen to give a second opinion about recent economic and business issues in September.

It is not only his father-in-law that is working with the current government but rather almost all the members of the policies committees are back on the scene before him especially in the economic sector for years now.

It is worth mentioning that the upcoming presidential elections will be held in 2024 if my calculations are true.

Anyhow Egypt and Egyptian people deserve really better.

1 comment:

  1. I may have criticized GM in this comment section more than 10 years ago. I do not think this spoilt brat would change to the better. Circumstances were much better before 2011 and conducive for an improvement. Now, too much damage has happened. I can not say if he is colluding with the current administration. But Egypt is definitely living its worst days since 1967. Anything that pisses off El Sisy and his company is better than nothing.


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