Wednesday, March 22, 2023

Ramadan Arabian Nights 2023 : The Tale of Mando “One sad Shahryar” EP.1

Ramadan Kareem to all Egyptian Chronicles readers.

It is our time of the year to meet our dear Scheherazade and listen to her tales.

We are back to the One Thousand and One Nights radio show in Arabic created by Egyptian Radio legend Mahmoud Shaaban aka Papa Sharo.

Shaherezade and Shahayer by Gamal Qotb 

Based originally on the famous book “One Thousand and One Nights” aka “The Arabian Nights”, it was the longest-running show in the history of Egyptian State Radio.

Papa Sharo could not have created the show without the continuing work of Egyptian writer and folksiest Taher Abu Fasha.

Egyptian Legendary actress Zouzou Nabil as Scheherazade and Theatre legend Abdel Rahim El-Zarakany as Shahryar are back again.

For this year, I chose yet another story that the 1980s generation knew very well because it was presented on TV in 1986 and was a hit show.

This year’s tale is the tale of Mando and Wardshan which was re-presented on TV in 1986. “It has no relation to the Mandalorian except they are fantasy.”

I won’t speak long because our episode tonight is a bit long and unusual.

Tonight we will kick off Ramadan’s first night with the 463rd episode of the “One Thousand and one nights show”.

The synopsis 

Shahyar, filled with worry over the unrest and eerie happenings in the distant corners of his kingdom, was troubled.

The King, not in his best of spirits, retired to his chambers on the brink of a breakdown as soon as his court adjourned.

Drowning in his thoughts, he was interrupted by Scheherazade's attempts at flirtation, to which he was in no mood to reciprocate.

Pondering the usefulness of precaution if fate cannot be evaded, the wise queen advised accepting what cannot be controlled, to which the King retorted with a poignant question, "But what if innocent victims are involved?".

Thereafter, the King divulged the tragedy that befell his kingdom earlier.

The cities of Gamore and Samore had been completely obliterated by a volcanic eruption, conveyed to Shahyar by messengers in the blink of an eye.

Despite his orders to assist the survivors, the King remained melancholic. Scheherazade presented her condolences and lauded the King's actions, rationalizing that this is the inevitable nature of life - one cannot escape what one fear.

Shahyar confided in his queen, recounting that secret messengers informed him of strange creatures emerging from space and hurling fireballs onto both cities.

Wondering if these were extraterrestrial beings residing on other planets, Scheherazade cited the tales of the elders that God has the power to create beings unknown to us.

Shahyar pondered if there were beings capable of living in fire on celestial bodies, and his wise queen questioned why he believed the Mighty Creator could not bring forth such creatures, as some live in water.

The King probed further about the ETs and their level of advancement, to which the Tales queen responded that it varied across planets, with some creatures still in their primitive stages, while others have unlocked the secret of life.

Asked how she knew all this, Scheherazade narrated the tale of Mando, who disappeared and returned to his beloved Wardshan, Sultan's exquisite daughter, because he was honest despite the challenges he encountered on earth and beyond.

Thus begins the story of King Kahlan of the land of Sindyan or Oak, who basked in power and riches, but was deprived of one thing - a child.

Accepting his fate as a man of faith, Kahlan's wicked vizier, Shahlan, had something to reveal to him

Here is the 1st episode of our tale televised.

And tomorrow’s inshallah we will know what Shahlan told Kahlan as we continue our tale.

You can check previous Ramadan Arabian Nights here.

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