Tuesday, March 28, 2023

Ramadan Arabian Nights 2023: Tale of Mando “Prisoners of their fate” #EP7

Ramadan Karim😀

We continue our tale for this year, the tale of Mando.

But first I have to share something with you again.

I chose this year’s tale after listening to two other tales from the 1960s.

I think our tale could be recorded in the early 1960s.

At first, to be honest, I avoided the tales which were televised in the 1980s and 1990s because my generation still remembers them. 

I chose the tale of Mando because the other two tales were too politicalized. Unfortunately, Taher Abu Fasha could not escape the propaganda machine and yes we listened previously to Pro-Nasserite tales with metaphors of The Sauds and The Hashemites.

But those two tales were terrible. They were technically Pro-Soviet/Eastern Bloc against Pro-US/Western Bloc. I can say Abu Fasha was in his best imagination mood when he was not instructed to use his show as an instrument of propaganda.

Maybe in other times, I could share them but as we are living this 1960s mood again now in 2023, I feel that we are truly in the sake of escaping reality to the fantasy land.

There is a reason why many people prefer fantasy and sci-fi in our times; they are a gateway.

Okay, enough of the chitchat and to our episode.

First, refresh your mind with last night’s episode.

Now to the seventh episode of our tale or the 469th episode in Egyptian state radio’s One Thousand and One Nights show.

The synopsis

In the regal halls, the King and his Queen alongside the Vizier discussed the predicament that lay before them. The notion of Sheikh Saber as their future in-law repelled them greatly.

The cunning Shahlan, an evil man, suggested a scheme that would rid them of the couple permanently, but his malevolent counsel was denied.

The King pondered why he should imprison the innocent couple.

A scene from The Arabian Nights as imagined by Midjourney AI
A scene from The Arabian Nights as imagined by Midjourney AI 

The Queen remained silent, listening attentively. King Kahlan, displaying sagacity, arrived at a viable resolution, at least for the time being.

He resolved to extend hospitality to the Sabers until their wives, the Queen and Sheikh Saber’s spouse, gave birth, after which they would decide what course of action to take.

The King commanded the Vizier to summon the Sabers to the palace in a befitting manner.

Alas! Shahlan, despite the King’s edict, defied the command and detained the destitute elderly man and his expectant wife, causing them shame and disgrace.

The wronged Sheikh Saber, upon appearing before the King, expounded on the indignities they had suffered.

The King was furious, and he decreed that the couple would stay as his guests until the old woman delivered her child, with Hubhan assigned to care for them.

Thus, we await the following day with Allah's permission to learn the fate of the downcast couple who were overnight transformed into the King's guests.

The episode televised

Till tomorrow night inshallah. 

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