Monday, March 27, 2023

Ramadan Arabian Nights 2023: Tale of Mando “A circle of fate” #EP6

Ramadan Karim 😀

We continue our tale for this year, the tale of Mando.

Before we go to the sixth episode of our tale, I want to reveal something this year.

The English synopsis of this year’s episode that I add after the audio episode in Arabic is actually copyedited by Chat-GPT according to the style of Sir Richard Francis Burton’s translation of the One Thousand and one nights book. "I know that Burton was a piece of work, an embodiment of colonialism"

The result is more than impressive 

I am thinking of trying other styles in upcoming episodes.

Anyhow, let’s go to our episode tonight but first, refresh your mind with last night’s episode.

Now to the sixth episode of our tale or the 468th episode in Egyptian state radio’s One Thousand and One Nights show.

The Synopsis

Concealing his ire behind a veil of deference, the Vizier Shahlan hastens to pay court to the King upon learning that the Queen is with child, and thus his scheme of betrothing his daughter to the royal majesty has been dashed. Nevertheless, a glimmer of hope remains.

Upon hearing the blessed tidings of his wife's impending motherhood, the exultant King Kahlan orders the temples to be flung open all day long,that the devout might offer prayers and sustenance be distributed among the indigent for the Queen and her unborn progeny.

Shahlan harboured a fervent desire that the King would choose his daughter as his bride. However, Kahlan spurned this proposal and dismissed the matter out of hand, instructing Shahlan to desist from mentioning it again.

In a distant corner of the city, a poor man named Saber was reunited with his wife, who had delightful news to share. Marzouka was with child, and Sheikh Saber was to be a father. This news brought great joy to their humble abode.

The King and Queen followed the guidance of the Grand Priest and strolled in the garden, reaching a fountain where they once again encountered the enigmatic old woman who whispered to the water.

The woman at the fountain as imagined by Midjourney AI
The woman at the fountain as imagined by Midjourney AI 

She inquired whether they had consumed the apple, and the Queen replied with gratitude that they had partaken of their portion. The old woman wondered aloud as to the fate of the other half, and Kahlan, overcome with fear, had given it to a prisoner.

The old woman declared that this was how the prophecy had been fulfilled, for it had foretold that the two children born of that apple would be destined for one another.

By unknowingly following the will of fate, Kahlan had unwittingly forestalled the union of the twins. The circle of destiny was now complete.

The King and Queen were shocked to discover that their future in-law was a prisoner, but the old woman assured them that it was preordained, and beyond their power to change.

With a mysterious glance, she vanished, leaving the troubled King and Queen to ponder the prospect of their future relative being a former prisoner. The following night, the truth of whether King Kahlan could prevail over destiny would be revealed, Inshallah.

The episode televised

Till tomorrow night inshallah. 

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