Sunday, March 9, 2008

New victims for H5N1

It seems that the H5N1 is going to strike Egypt again heavily just like it did in January. The country side is still the playground of the virus that it won't leave Egypt sooner or even later, the Housewives and Children are the main victims and the domestic poultry is the main victimizer.

Days did not pass quickly after the death of Victim No.45 ,when we found that we got number victim No.46 and now we have got victim No.47 and possibly victims No.48 and 49 at the same time.

Victim No. 47 is 8 years old Abd El-Hamid Said Youssef from Fayoum and he was transferred to Cairo to the Manshiat El-Bakery famous hospital , hopefully insh Allah he will be treated quickly and will return quickly to play with his friends in his small village.

Fayoum is a hot zone due to its location and nature , do not forget till now the birds hunters got their season to hunt down ducks and geese with their special traditions even after the revolution .

Possibly Victims No.48 and 49 are 35 years old housewife Mertha Guirguis and her daughter Orleen from Minya , they are suspected to be H5N1 positive , hopefully they won't and it will be just a bad flu due the terrible weather conditions .

Again the virus up till now is located in the south Fayoum then in Minya


  1. Have they decided to call it an epidemic yet?

  2. @N.American Princess, it is not an epidemic yet , even according to the WHO , the epidemic happens when for example 100 got infected but thank God it did not happen


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