Already people began to speculate that the man is going to get away with it, when the prosecution decided to lower the degree of the case or the trial from a crime to a felony, yes causing the death 1035 is a felony. All the blame seemed to be put upon the captain of the ship who drowned with it. Also the insist on having the trial in Safga not in Cairo ,despite it is a public opinion case ,they were afraid I think from the public in Cairo
It did not stop at here, already the charge Mamdouh Ismail was being sued for was not a real one, the charge exactly was being late to inform the authorities that his ferry was missing, not that it was sunk!!??
Last year he paid compensations to the families of the victims, the General prosecutor estimated the compensation for each family to

Of course you will be asking how much Mamdouh Ismail fortune that gives him the ability to pay L.E 300,000 for the families of the victims, well ask about the insurance he got.
By the way in old days if you reserved a ticket on one of his ferries, you will find that a disclaimer people usually did not read saying that you did not have the right for compensation in case of any sorrowful incident, it is your

Ismail was cleaned from the blood of those people who drowned in the cold red sea because according to the official forensic reports, the few passengers did not die because of drowning rather than heart attacks!! Among the victims there was 3 month baby who drowned, I do not think that she suffered from any heart disease!! Already I do not know what bodies they found, there were very few bodies they were recovered!! “In the photo her little brother who could not hold her in his tiny hands in the big cold sea, his name is Mohamed , I remember him very well”
The Egyptian parliament formed an investigation committee to investigate and report the findings to the parliament and to the court. The report of the Parliamentary committee convicted Mamdouh Ismail as it should be and the committee is against the court rule, already they made an explosive report with official documents that can send Ismail to the hell.

Now Ismail got away with it, the court rule of innocence which the

The only hope we have is either wait till this regime falls and another clean democratic regime comes and decides to punish all the icons of the corruption and this means we will wait for a long time or we can sue Mamdouh Ismail abroad in London itself and we already can.
I will continue to post it till their rights are back , their rights are not only money
Photo source :Getty Images
Technorati Tags: Egypt,Salam Ferry 98,photos,Salam Boccaccio 98,Italy,Ferry,Red Sea,Citizen Journalism,Mamdouh Ismail,National,Democracy,Society,Marine,Giovanni Boccaccio,NDP,Amr Mamdouh Ismail
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