Thursday, March 26, 2009

What Game you are both playing with the fate of your people !!


Al-Bashir and Mubarak

More about Al-Bashir’s visit to Cairo ,please read this report.


  1. see, just as i said.

  2. Hi, I would like to say that I love your blog and I often read it when I want to read about Middle Eastern politics... I trust your perspective, ;). You also have a lot written about Sudan, which is a bit surprising because most don't know anything about Sudan, or are under the perception most don't know anything about Sudan, or maybe I'm just used to American ignorance, :p.

    I am curious about the Sudanese in Egypt... first, how does the Egyptian public feel about the refugees in Egypt? Most, if not all refugees from Sudan are from the troubled areas of Sudan... (Darfur and Southern Sudan), and not from the north and east (who are Arabic speaking and look/are culturally similar to the Nubians of southern Egypt). Are Sudanese from all regions differentiated or are they lumped together? And how are the refugees generally doing would you think, from the eyes of an Egyptian citizen? I understand that the actions of Hosni Mubarak's administration and the police do not represent the Egyptian people's views, but the refugees seem to be treated fairly badly, and their seems to be some racism in how they're treated although I was under the perception that on a whole, Egyptians are not racist.

    I have always been curious about those things and would appreciate it so much if you could answer my questions and I'll reciprocate the favor and vote for you in those things on your sidebar, :).


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