Saturday, August 29, 2009

Who is He ??

Youm 7 is reporting that Huda Abdel Manam confessed in front of the general prosecutor that a former minister of economy who is currently MP had helped her to leave the country secretly and that that minister used to work as an advisor for her for LE 10,000 per month !!
Who is that former minister of economy who is currently a big MP ??
I got one name in my mind but the problem is that he leave the ministry in 1985.
Any names ??
Updated : 
  • All fingers point to former minister Mustafa El Said 


  1. ما هو مصطفى السعيد رئيس اللجنة الإقتصادية بمجلس الشعب كان نص حكم على عدم توليه أو تعيينه في أي منصب سياسي أو اقتصادي

  2. @Tafatefo, I believe so too,but what is this rule you are speaking about ??

    @Abdou Basha, no Mustafa El-Said is the man , Ali Lotfi was the prime minister then

  3. هو مصطفي السعيد
    بس طبعا هذا لايمنع ان له مساعدين او ممكن يكون فيه متورطين كبار اخرين لان اليوم السابع ذكرت ان هناك 3 شخصيات ساعدتها على الهرب بالتأكيد واحد منهم من وزارة الداخلية

  4. The real question is how come the man is identified already in a court ruling that decrees he can not hold any political posts and a) he hasnt been prosecuted and b) he is holding a political post as an MP and chairs such an important post in the Parliament? We 3agaby

  5. Do not need to ask this is the NDP my dear !!

  6. Yes, we should ask and we should also wonder how come no one, even a citizen filed a law suite asking for the court to order the parliament to refute his membership. If there is a court ruling that included such words then there is sufficient docs to merit such a case. Any lawyers?


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