Tuesday, October 27, 2009

The Real Lost Number

As usual we do not know the real death toll of Ayyat’s train collision  , the official number is 18 where as the people in independent press are speaking about 150 which is a fearful number as death toll with no doubt. The past experience taught us to disbelief the government and believe the bigger number , already the photos of the train collision is terrifying.The difference between 150 and 18 is huge but I assume the real death toll is in between.

I do not know till when truth will be lost in this matter and other matters in this country too.

Now to the minister of transportation who is being criticized now in the official public  before the partisan and opposition , you should not be surprised but this terrible crash will hunt down the NDPC in the coming days and the party wants to appear in a good image and Minister of transportation Mahmoud Mansour is spoiling that image. There are rumors saying that he will not attend the conference this year , other rumors say that he will attend but he will not appear with Mubarak.

Despite the huge criticism in official press , I do not think that Mansour Chevrolet* will resign , he saw much worse days than these and he did not resign, he had seen the Upper Egypt train and he had seen Mamdouh Ismail’s ferry and he stayed in his position , why  would he resign or get sacked from his position if only 18 people were killed in this collision only !!??

All that regime’s anger is just for local consumption as we say in Egypt , only temporarily to absorb people’s anger till they forget the crash because of some pseudo scandal or because of the coming football game between Egypt and Algeria.

Now here are couple of photos shot by Ahmed Abdel Fatah and Mohamed Ali Eddin from the location itself.

*Mansour Cheverlot is the nickname of Mohamed Mansour as the Mansour family is agent of Chevrolet in Egypt. Before being a minister , he was and is still a business tycoon. His family owns Mansour group who has many franchises, many companies, and many projects.


  1. Thank you for the link for the photos just one observation, why didnt they bury the buffalo why are they leaving it like that? and what about the rubbish from the site? I bet you if we pass by in a couple of months it will still be there.

  2. Yesterday "tuesday" i was going to cairo university abd it seems that there was a demonstration on the morning or something, when i arrived by 2:30 PM everything was calm but there was too many soldiers queues outside and right beside them there was anther queues of hired thugs with thick sticks, and back of all beside the Orman's garden fence there was the center where they get organized and get their sticks, it's not a relevant comment but i just wanted to inform you


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