Friday, July 21, 2006

I turned to be a Nassarite now !????

I categorised to be a Nassarite blogger now !!??

yes according to Mr Sand Monkey I am !!

I am very angry

from various reasons

  1. I am not a Nassarite or a Nassar supporter in a way or another despite the fact both my parents are .

  2. I know very well what Nassar did to this country and this nation from defeat , disgrace and dictatorship I know it very well more then one can know even more than Mr Sand Monkey knows , it is a great thing to be the grand daughter of one of the famous Journalists in the 1960s

  3. If you follow my blog very well you will find that i am from the few young generation who follow and admire the Egyptian Royal family and think that they did less then what the presidents of this country did to it

  4. I am and I say it loud love my country, my nation and religion very much and thus I put their interests above all

  5. Being against the American administration policies which hurt my country and my nation doesn't mean I am Nassarite !! I am sorry but this is a naive thinking , there are many people who are against the American policies in the region and the world and don't know who was Nassar ??

  6. I don't like categorising people this Nassari and this Sadaati ,we are all Egyptians in the end

This is very narrow thinking you know because there is no prefect human , I can not say that Nassar was 100% wrong or bad and Sadaat was 100% right and unfortunately the same thing about Mubarak because there are humans not angels or devils

in the end if defending my nation ,its rights ,its people and my thoughts would make me a Nassarite then I shall be

for God sake don't you see Queen Farida's avatar

Technorati : , , , ,


  1. hehehe :)

    I can feel how angry you are :D

  2. and what if you are a Nassarite blogger?!!
    that would never belittle you.
    you got a good political opinion i value myself..and trying to follow from time to time, for at least YOU look unbaised to me.. you look moderate as well.. which i can't find in SM's blog AT ALL..

    so you go girlie... and let who ever talks "y5bat raso fl 7et"

  3. lasto!!! she can't be a nassarite and moderate unbiased at the same time :)

    there is a big contradiction between both... all nassarites are biased because they can't face the historical truth ;)

  4. i do understand ya free
    i was just telling her: she shouldn't be defending her self.. she'd do whatever she wants.. w elli mesh 3agbo bardo y5bat raso fl 7et :D
    *full stop*

  5. @freesoul , I am angry because he based his assumption upon very naive thinking that everyone against America is Nassarite

    @lasto-adri*blue*, thanks for beautiful words it means too much for me , and I will do as you said , Nassarite Nassarite Sadaati Sadaati it is my own blog I write what so ever I want :)


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