Tuesday, January 2, 2007

Nishan forbidden's report

Do you remember the Moroccan Magazine I spoke about from couple of Weeks "Nishan" ??

I found the article that caused all the buzz from banning and closing for the magazine

in a Wordpress.com blog

I already update my previous post about the magazine to include to the link to the article

Anyway I guess it is important to see and read the article which is in Arabic

There are some words and phrases I am afraid I don't understand due to the difference in accent ,already the Moroccan accent is known to be the hardest among the Arabic accent where as the Egyptian is the easiest and more common .....>Just a side remark

Here is the forbidden report

tell me what do you think ??

Do they deserve to be banned and punished ??

I feel it is more analytical


  1. أعتقد أنا كما هو مذكور في المقال فهناك مد إسلامي في المغرب و من الواضح أن الحكومة هناك تمنع أي شئ قد لا يعجبهم من باب من خاف سلم و خطبا لود الناس هناك
    مثلما قرر الوزير المؤمن فاروق حسني تشكيل لجنة في وزارة الثقافة من علماء الأزهر هدفها مراجعة الكتب المنشورة و منعها إن كانت تتنافى مع الشريعة الإسلامية

  2. not also that , the regime in Morocco don't like any criticism or mocking to their king
    Do forget the official statement including "Allah,the prophet and the king !!"
    it is about their King no more no less
    this year Morocco saw a movie about a love and sex relationship between a Muslim girl and jewish boy , that Muslim current stood against it but in vain
    I believe the movie is much more dangerous than the magazine yet the regime didn't stop
    already I read about that movie in the secular sites and I believe it is disgusting


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