Sunday, March 18, 2007

King Farouk's memorial

Today remarks the 32 anniversary of King Farouk's death in his exile in Italy on the 18th of March 1965 in an incident that till now is considered enigmatic. The official report said that he died from a heart attack from the food he ate , while conspiracy theories said that President Nasser secret service killed him in his exile to ensure that he would never come back again , conspiracy that I will speak later about , may be next year insh Allah.

King Farouk when he passed away ,he was only 45 years old despite his chubby body in his last years made him look much older , he was born on the 11th of February 1920,the Egyptian son of King Fouad the first and his heir to the Egyptian throne. He was called "Farouk" the first ,I don't why but this was silly,really silly , you see there was no other Farouk in the family so he can be called the first or the second , of course my remark is even sillier as I am talking about something that ended from decades.

I look to King Farouk's biography and life and I see a person who was a victim not the victimizer like the east and west used to portrayed him , if he were victimizer then the victim would be himself , he didn't fight back , he just surrendered to life , I am not speaking about the king position and the monarchy , hell no.

King Farouk showed a great political and patriotic scene when he gave up his position on the night of the 24th of July 1952 , when he made his mind to leave the throne in without a fight in a way that surprised the free officers themselves , he had the chance to ask the British to interfere, just a small phone call but he didn't because he didn't want the a stinky shoes of a British soldier to touch the Egyptian Soil . He wanted and wished the best for Egypt , and because he loved her so much ,he knew that he wasn't the best choice to rule Egypt then , and that's why his last word to General Mohamed Naguib when he was leaving Egypt for the last time to his exile on the board of "El-Mahrousa"

I wish that you succeeded in what I failed in

He was more patriot than one ruled Egypt in that century , you want a proof listen to what "Salah Jahin" learned from late "Salah El-Shad" in the Egyptian Foreign ministry during his work there , Mr. "El-Shad" told him that king Farouk was more patriot than both Nasser and Sadaat.

Yes he was because he gave up a rule that was mentioned its greatness in the holy books whether the Torah or Bible or Quran because he felt that he failed in his mission , because he knew that this nation deserves better than him

He chose to step away where as now some are dying to get the throne of the oldest nation on the surface of this earth, the throne of the mighty Pharaoh

Farouk was a real pharaoh who loved this country truly , yet of course Pharaohs are always defamed and erased by the succeeding pharaohs

Please read the Fataha on his soul

King Farouk King Farouk without glasses King Farouk and family in exile


  1. hey Zeinab...ya ray2a...please see the movie khaltabeeta

  2. I saw it ,it is a stupid one what it has to do with the real history pardon me anonymous

  3. Nice to hear from a Nasserite :)

    اللي ضايقني بجد ما قاله ابراهيم عيسى في حوار متخيل بينه و بين الملك فاروق على لسان الملك.. حيث قال الملك عن عبد الناصر إنه بيحبه و إنه كان عنده إيمان بحلمه و كلام كبير كده.. طبعاً الملك فاروق لو شاف المقالة في تربته حايسب و يلعن في ابراهيم عيسى.
    اللي بيضايقني فعلاً حالة العمى التي تصيب الناصريين حين تتحدثين عن عبد الناصر.. يعني مرّة كنت باكلم العزيز زنجي عن السجون في عهد عبد الناصر فصدمني بحقيقة علمية تقريباً جابها من أحد كتب هيكل (اللي مابيسلتطفش السادات زي ماكلنا عارفين).. الحقيقة العلمية بتقول إن عدد المعتقلين في عهد السادات كان أكبر من عهد عبد الناصر !
    حتى لو كانت المعلومة صحيحة.. ايه اللي جاب سيرة السادات في الموضوع ؟!!
    هو كده.. طريقة الناصريين الشهيرة.. شوف العصفورة.. شوف التانيين عملوا ايه !
    إلى أخر ذلك الهراء الناصري.
    ماتزعليش مني يا زينب.. بس أنا لو باكره عبد الناصر يبقى من كلام الناصريين قبل أي حاجة تانية.
    و الله يرحم الملك فاروق اللي اتولد شبعان.

    شريف نجيب

  4. هوه أنا طبعاً خرجت عن الموضوع و مدرك انك مامجدتيش في عبد الناصر و لا حاجة في التدوينة دي.. بس أهي فضفضة و جت فيكي بقى :)

  5. Zeinobia, 'khaltabeeta' is a historical satire, describing the political tactics from Farouk's era to now in our country.

  6. @wow Zenobia i bet you come from an aristocratic origin

  7. @Sherif , I am not a Nasserite at all , I am mad at you how can you say I am nasserite
    where did you get this assumption about me ??
    man I know about the cons of Nasser's era than you can imagine , about the amazing nasserist information you said an advise tell them what the Fagomi said about the prisons in the Sadaat era and Nasser era, he described the Sadaat Prisons era as picnic compared to Nasser's prisons
    I guess I am not a Nasserist , by the way if you follow this blog regularly you will know that I am not Nasserist
    Amr El-Abyd is a Nasserist

    @anonymous ,still it is still movie ,I don't like it , Cairo 30 is my favorite corruption movie along with the Start both written by Naguib Mafouz and directed by Salah Abu Seif

    @ Amr, not that classy , but one of my ancestors was the doctor of the Khadavi

  8. by the way if you follow this blog regularly you will know that I am not Nasserist

    ana elly gebto lenafsy :)
    I don't get it.. I remember you describing yourself as a nasserite in some post.. right at the start of it.. it must've been someone else and I got it all mixed up.. sorry.
    معلش يا بنتي السن له أحكام.. أنا 26 سنة.. يعني الزهايمر على الأبواب :)

  9. @Sherif ,lol
    read this post

  10. هاي زينب
    الصراحه لو انا قريت المقال قبل شهر جان ماهتميت بس لاني شفت قصة حياته بالمسلسل ( الملك فاروق) تغيرت نظرتي حقه اصلا كنت اول امرة اهتم بالسياسه لهادرجه يالأخص شخص سياسي . انا تاأثرت فيه حيييل و حسيت صج انه مسك الحكم وهو توه جاهل ماكان يعرف شي . وا تفق معاج لما تقولين انه ضحية
    100% لانه صج ضحيه .
    انا متاكده انه الكل كان يأثر عليه من كل صوب و الكل كان يبي مصلخته لدرجة انه يسمع كلامهم.

    الصراحه قصته اثرت فيني حيييل و فحياته اللي ماتهنا فيها.
    و بأملاكه اللي ضاعت .
    و البيوت و الإراض اللي سرقوها .
    من راي , اعتقد انه الجرم هو جمال عبدالناصر و الضحيه هو الملك فاروق الله يرحمه .
    حبيت اشارك بامقال من كثر ما اثر فيني الملك فارق .
    و شكرا

  11. هاي زينب
    الصراحه لو انا قريت المقال قبل شهر جان ماهتميت بس لاني شفت قصة حياته بالمسلسل ( الملك فاروق) تغيرت نظرتي حقه اصلا كنت اول امرة اهتم بالسياسه لهادرجه يالأخص شخص سياسي . انا تاأثرت فيه حيييل و حسيت صج انه مسك الحكم وهو توه جاهل ماكان يعرف شي . وا تفق معاج لما تقولين انه ضحية
    100% لانه صج ضحيه .
    انا متاكده انه الكل كان يأثر عليه من كل صوب و الكل كان يبي مصلخته لدرجة انه يسمع كلامهم.

    الصراحه قصته اثرت فيني حيييل و فحياته اللي ماتهنا فيها.
    و بأملاكه اللي ضاعت .
    و البيوت و الإراض اللي سرقوها .
    من راي , اعتقد انه الجرم هو جمال عبدالناصر و الضحيه هو الملك فاروق الله يرحمه .
    حبيت اشارك بامقال من كثر ما اثر فيني الملك فاروق .
    و شكرا

  12. @anonymous
    ربما لو كان الذين حول الملك وضعوا مصلحة مصر امام نصب اعينهم لم يكن ما حصل قد حصل

    صعب ان ننقول عبد الناصر مجرم 100% فى حق فاروق لان هناك من اجرم فى حق اكثر من امه و اخته و الحاشية و الساسة
    فاروق فى اخر عهده كان يتصرف كما لو كان يريد الانتحار
    سكاكين من كا جانب

    ما فعله ناصر فى حق فاروق يعتبر لا شىء مقارنة ما فعله بجنرال محمد نجيب

    الله يرحمهم اجمعين
    المهم ان الحقيقة تظهر فى الاخر

  13. Dear Zeinobia,
    By pure chance i found your page, i was searching for more pictures of King Farouk and some information about him, beacause all we learned at school about him was just fake, and all we learned abour this coup d'etat, called by some "revolution" , so i found you. I think that new generation is starting to wonder who is this "beautiful" king of egypt, and how was his era? I am sure it was wayyy better then now. On facebook you can see how many are ading the group of Royal family, they are al curious to know more.
    Very glad to meet you y chance.
    Sohair Hakim

  14. Dear Sohair Hakim , thanks for your words,my search for the real image of King Farouk and all other people who our official history either defamed or deleted taught me one important fact , that it is a normal thing in our history , it is not something the revolution or the coup d'etat of 1952 brought to the land of pharaoh for the first time , it is an ancient thing as old as our land

  15. dear zeinobia,all other people have a different image of king farouk,i dont know how but im completely convinced that he was a great person w he loved egypt soo much..& i would like to mention something,when the revolution broke out people thought that the free officers were declarying democracy when actually one of them took farouk's postion & became a president,he was a complete dectator he took the rich's money & belongings & everything !!! i dont know why people hav this view of him,when i saw the tv series i started to search for the real image hidden behind people's words & now im a huge fan of the great handsome king farouk i even visited his palace in alexandria & was soo touched..soo thank you soooooo much for those words.


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