Sunday, April 1, 2007

My Vox and My Live space

You know I write also in other stuff than Politics and history ,I write about books,history,science ,films and music, of course not here but in other places like in Vox which I like so much and my favorite Live Space,already there is no difference in the content but in the design and the brand name ,I just wanted to hint in case if you got bored from middle east politics


  1. Come look at this blogger.

    Iranis are cursing Egyptians!!!!

  2. you are a shiite zienobia and i think that your egyptian nationality must be dropped.

    you supported the persian dirt against me. i represent the majority of egyptians it is you who doent represent them it is because you have some persian ancestory. I think that anyone who has a persian lineage in Egypt must be expelled from it.........

  3. Hi there

    Wow, I came to Amre again! this dude needs to be in asylum! But I am happy he introduced us to eachother. you have a great looking blog and I like your personal statement. I will come back to visit.

    Let these hateful creatures speak for themselves; no need to waste time on them :)

  4. dont allow Persians to make your blog unclean. that is traeson. Iran is an enemy of Egypt. they name the major street in tehran after the terrorist who killed our president Sadat. all terrorists like eachother. Their terrorist govenmrny like their likes. no wonder. Persians are known to be bloody barbars full of hate.


  5. @Amr I believe that you said too much against me ,first I don't accept anyone to suspect my nationalhood and feelings towards Egypt
    Second if you want to know my real ancestory , well guess what it is turkish,moroccan,Saudi and Egyptian , at the end I am an Egyptian who presents really the majority of Egypt
    third I am muslim sunni who respect the Shiites
    fourth the name of the street you are talking was changed to the Intifida street and you can check about it

    @Naj ,welcome to my blog ,thanks for beautiful words and you know you said it yourself let the hateful creatures speak for them

  6. Zeinobia, what does your name mean?

    You know what is sad about Amre's hatred, that some days ago, he was on my blog, expressing he stands with me in peace, that he just wanted Iran to protect and help arabs and things like that. Now, he is going around people's blogs and saying lies about me; and what fascinates me is that I have done nothing but ignoring his unstable behavior.

    Anyways, since you write about history, can you point me to a good documentary about President Nasser?


  7. Amre, do you know what partly led to downfall of the ummayad and Abbassids? 1) They could not stop themselves from being ultra Arab nationalists. They always went after Arab and non Arabs who disagreed with them. And even assassinated great generals, Arabs and non Arabs who lead them to victories in battle, just because they disagreed with them.

    So learn from their mistakes, stop being a nationalist and start acting more like a muslim.

    Your friend,
    God Bless America

  8. dont listen to her halucinations Zenobia. she is full of hatred to our kind. just follow the links in my latest post the posts i listed in my blog in chronological order.

    Also check my posts Arab world not middle east.And you will know what i mean.

    you are good girl zeobia dont side with a persian snake against your own country men.

    persians are evil....we should despise them all

  9. @dear Naj , My nickname zeinobia is the name of an ancient Syrian Queen Zeinobia of palmrya
    I am very sorry of Amre's behavior but don't give attention to it
    If you need to know about president Nasser and see documentaries about him there is certaintly one best place
    the official website
    unfortunately it is in Arabic , it is made with the help of Nasser's daughter Dr.Huda , anyhow there are 1190 there ,some of them are made by him as he loved making home movies

    @God bless America , believe I have been saying to him this and he doesn't want to listen !!

  10. This comment has been removed by the author.

  11. watch out zenobia she might be a spy

  12. Yeah I can see that now. He does not like to listen.

  13. oops, I guess I could read a little in arabic but I won't understand a word of spoken arabic.

    I'm interested in Nasser because yesterday, when my husband was looking at the rampage of our friend here, he made a comment about how it was Nasser who was the charismatic and true leader of the Arab nationalism, and how people like Saddam, as much as tried to emulate him, didn't have half of his charisma or wisdom. So, I figured I can start by a documentary.

  14. Naj your Husband is right , Saddama and Gaddafi and all those morons are trying to be like Nasser but it is like heavens to earth , the Egypt had very interesting relations with Iran and Nasser played very dangerous role ,I will write it insh Allah soon and if I found in English some documentary I will tell insh Allah :)


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