Sunday, January 13, 2008

The language of Numbers : Child trafficking

first what is the child trafficking ??

according to Wikipedia It  "is the recruitment, transportation, transfer, harbouring, or receipt of children for the purpose of exploitation."

Exploitation includes : forcing children into prostitution or other forms of sexual exploitation, forced labour or services, slavery or practices similar to slavery, servitude, or the removal of organs or illicit international adoption or trafficking for early marriage, recruitment as child soldiers, for begging or as athletes.

Second to the language of Numbers :

Up to 3,000 Dollars : Is the price of the child in Egypt

The primary destination for children traffickers in Egypt is the Gulf area .

In Egypt those children are forced in to either begging , drug trafficking and prostitution.

The children in Egypt are sold now because of the economic situations that force the parents from the very poor class to sell them in order to feed their other children.

According to an official report published by the UNCIEF

In 2007 this crime began to suffer more and more thanks to the media coverage which is still shy to go deeper and deeper in to blaming only the government for the bad economic situations , yes the bad economic situation plays a major role here but you forget other parties like the mafias specialized in child trafficking and how they should be stopped and how they should be punished . The blaming game is not enough


  1. You've probably already seen this article:

    and i'm sure there are cases of much worse stories...this girl had a happier ending but still I would rather starve thant sell my children...there must be better ways to resolve the issue...

  2. @N.American Princess , yes there are much worse storis, this sotry believe or not was not a strange thing , this is a common ,very low common Egyptian family that believes the best maid is a naive 10 years old child ,the maid for them is a slave , the problem is that this sort of accidents are so common in Egypt and it is so old and different from Child Trafficking , as some families in the country welcome foolishly that their daughters work as maids in the rich houses !!!
    every now and then I read in the newspaper a young maid torture , a young maid was killed by her lady !!!
    The difference between it and in trafficking that families here do not sell their children for ever , because dad and mom will be there to be paid every month !!they just lease them !!

  3. This Blog’s subject makes me sick. How on earth do we give ourselves the right to criticize and snare at the American treatment of slavery in the early days and discrimination in the modern time?

    First of all the Egyptian government is to be blamed for looking the other way and ignoring the issue. In the west this is crime the family would be charged for. Instead the Egyptian government facilitates travel paper for.

    Secondly, how the Egyptian government and people treat these Gulf States as friends? Is it because they are rich? Is it because they are superficially sharing same religion?

    How can this action be any different from burying new-born girls pre- Islam? Now we use them as resources instead? It is even sicker than that because I know the use boys as well as sex slaves.

    I think how France acted in the latest rape case in the region is a good example to follow. The media in Egypt and in other semi-educated Arab countries need to write and talk again and again about this issue. Otherwise, we know for sure where the Journalists salaries and pocket money comes from?

  4. @ohio , do I have to remind with the infamous decision of the ministry to export 200 Egyptian girl to work as maids in the gulf !!
    this is about working in houses but by the way this is not the main topic , the main topic is much more worst than this and you mentioned it the sex slaves , the new trend of bastards all over the globe

    The problem Ohio those guys whether you send their girls to work in houses or sell their boys to the unknown are from social classes already the Government does not recognize , does not hear their scream and in the first place the government decisions are the primary factor why they do this


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