Monday, May 5, 2008

What went wrong in the 4th of May Strike ??

There is nothing wrong in you dummies , there is something wrong in the system

A Cultural Film "Film Thakafy"

Ok the 4th of May came and it did not go as we all hoped , it was not as we all expected whether from people who too much hope on it or from the regime that put the worst scenario in its mind for it.

This strike is not a success like last 6th of April by all measures , still it scored some points.

Again it proved how frightened the regime is from any public agreement on moving against it and the evidence is the campaign  that started since 6 April when this strike was announced in the facebook,the evidence is the respond I found here in the poll and also in my Arabic blog poll from a support on the net.

Also it  proved that many people want an end for this era , want the better for this country and are total discontent  with the level it reached to , it is not about food international prices crisis , it is more than that .

I was having hopes that the Strike would be huge success because of the MB participation but I was wrong , I will not say that the MB made the strike fail as some began to blame them as usual , but I will say that it turned out that they are not that powerful as we think.

Now the blame game began to start ,sometimes the MB, other times Kafya and surprisingly the facebook.

I believe the strike did not succeed as we wanted for the following reasons:

  • The timing

Let's be clear here choosing the date was not a good one , first it was huge provocation to the regime , a strike on the same day of President's 80th birthday.

Second I do not think that companies will welcome the strike after an almost complete week of vacation , you all know that since last Friday Egyptians began to enjoy a whole week of national and religious days till last Saturday , many people had to show up on Sunday because of work pressure including me, Still the strike was not  to stay at home or protest; and this is what was wonderful about it ; there were other series activities I know for sure many Egyptians did , for instance I did not buy anything that day. Others especially ladies wore black , others did not buy official newspapers.

  • The Proactive regime

The regime was surprised by what happened on the 6th of April and thus it started since that day to be prepared for the next strike , it used all its powers to destroy it , using the ultimate super weapon from their point of view which is blaming the Cabinet and making Mubarak the divine Savior , as usual the Mubarak miraculous divine intervention came at the last moment to save the day , first he gave his order to transfer the Agrium factory outside Ras El-Bar then he issued his order to raise the salaries in Egypt 30%  ; of course as false idol his intervention was fake because till this moment there is no written decree for the President about the factory and that 30% raise is nothing compared to 120% raise in food prices.

The regime also used its oldest and most effective method : The fear method , what happened to Israa sent an important message ,keeping her in the jail after the order of general prosecutor to release her was a clear direct message to the people that we are still fearful regime and we still have this iron hand . Guys please do not  forget this regime is built upon the fear of the public and it has the tools that still give it this power from laws including the emergency law , this regime folks does not respect the constitution nor the human rights declaration , this regime still has the power to produce a law in 24 hours including the approval of the assembly.

I do not think that the media harsh campaign against Internet and Facebook Activists , this disgusting campaign made the strike fail, the Egyptian people are much wiser to believe this crap , on the contrary I think this campaign and the other pro-Mubarak campaign made people more angry and skeptical from the official media.

The Egyptian people are much much wiser than the regime thinks.

Now we should not be disappointed and I think we should not give up so easily because this is not a two rounds battle , what we did in the first strike was a historical one and we can do it again. This is one thousand miles road and we are as people in the first steps. DO not give up for God Sake.

1 comment:

  1. You are really a very cunning Safavid one. I have found out all about you.

    Being a shiite and coming from a shiite familly is perfectly alright as shiites are first and foremost Arabs. Nevertheless I will never ever allow you to propagate the malice Safavid Iranian interets in Egypt- it is as simple as that.

    On your past about Saddam you omitted one comment of mine- while you allowed the rest, simply because it totally undermines your stupid point about Saddam's fight in the Egyptian cafe:

    Now here it is, so everybody can read it on your blog:

    In the diaries of Saad El-Din El shazly, he mentioned that Saddam Hssien provided Egypt with Scud B missiles prior to the war so as to deter any Israeli incursions inside Egypt. He also sent two fighting sky hunter squadroons that bombed the Israelians i Sinai and wre called for by our infantry.

    During the course of the war the dirty Zoroastar Iran mobilised its troops on the Iraqi borders to prevent a full Iraqi intervention. Nevertheless Saddam Hussien sent half of the Iraqi army to Syria and effectively enaged the enemy at a critical point.

    On the other hand the dirty Ayatollah Khomeini used to buy arms from Israel in 1981 to bomb and kill Arabs in Bagdad.

    Now the baboons in Qum- Najad and Khameini occupy Iraq and send their death squads to wipe out the Arab population in Ira- Sunnis and shiites alike. That goes for any officer who took part in the the humilating shattering defeat of Iran in 1988- seculars, scientists, and anyone who opposes the Iranian occupation of Iraq.


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