At last they have arrested the war criminal Radovan Karadzic in Serbia. To enter the EU Serbia had to deliver about 44 war criminals above them Karadzic to the IJC. Strangely I read from couple of day about new cemeteries found in Bosnia in Srebrenica
I saw his pictures ,it turned out the guy return to his old profession of as a doctor , I do not know how he saves lives where as he used to lead genocides.
I saw his pictures and I wonder if that guy in the photos is the real Karadzic ,do not be surprised ,look with your own eyes,
May be he got thinner during all those years ,it is not easy to live as a fugitive from the international community in East Europe when there is a tag price on your warrant equal to millions !! Of course what calms me is that Europe will be 100% that this man is Karadzi for real using DNA.
Here are other two photos for Karadzic.
I notice that in these photos he looks like lecturing some people in some sort of conference ,so he should be known to the guests of those conferences ,which can be medical , and the guests won’t come any lecture if they do not know the speakers and respect them ; so how he can be a fugitive and the Serbs claim that they were searched for nearly a decade if he was lecturing here and there !!?? The guests won’t listen to unknown doctor !!??
I do not know who can feel sorry for this bastard war criminal except of course those radicals like him and his family . Here is his bother last night after the arrest.
I am waiting for trial because I know there will be horrors in which he confess doing it , not to mention he will defend what he had done and surely he will spell some names he should not say .
Hopefully they will arrest all the war criminals involved in these terrible genocides in Bosnia and also in Darfur .
I am not forgetting Omar Al Bashir and Mambo Sudanese he is doing along with other Arab leaders.
May he burn in HELL forever.