What is going to happen in Egypt after Mubarak ?? The ultimate Question , the one Question Egyptians and Non Egyptians think and search for an answer alike.
There is another book after John Bradley’s “inside Egypt : On the brink of revolution” about the future of Egypt after Mubarak, it is called “Egypt after Mubarak: Liberalism,Islam,Democracy in the Arab world”,it is an American book and was written by professor Bruce R.Rutherford. It is published by the Princeton University Press. Rutherford is is assistant professor of political science at Colgate University.
Unlike Bradley’s future Scenario Islamist green revolution Rutherford put another optimistic scenario that the secular liberals and the Islamists can work together and share the rule in a democratic future Egypt !! Did not I tell that it was optimistic !!?? I wish it happens in the end for sure.
You can pre-order it from Amazon here:
I wonder if it is going to banned in Egypt like its elder brother on the Brink of revolution !! sorry it is not banned I forgot !!
Egypt has a lot of potential. inshallah after Mubarak it will see more prosperity.
ReplyDeletemubarak isn't the reason this country is as it is. you think the rest of the government and businessmen are honest and care at all about egyptians? they all think about what they can take and get. amn el-dowla has grown into an army for the purpose of making sure the state can keep on oppressing and denying rights. the fear is everywhere and everyone is too hungry anyway to think about what they can do. there will be a crisis point when the hunger gets too much, the injustices can't go on and the fear among the people will be less than that felt by the state. but until there is any sense among government that they have to consider the country before their power and money, this country and its people will be wasted. any NDP leader or cabinet will never think this way because the culture of indifference and greed is in its blood now after all this time. the NDP has to die, not just mubarak, for anything to happen.
ReplyDelete@Nav , it is not about Mubarak just like Scribbled said my dear , I had a professor who believed that it is beyond Mubarak , it is a whole regime ,a whole syste , you need to get rid from Mubarak and those below him from security ,from businessmen , from all those who are living from his regime and that kind of regime , that kind of dictatorship so we can have better future insh Allah.
ReplyDelete@Scribbled, I agree with you you need to get rid from the NDP and all those who are living because of it
by the way nice drawing from Mubarak in you blog;)