Monday, July 6, 2009

Hisham Talaat Mustafa Is Still A Member in NDP !!

Yes he is and the ruling party won’t let its member down as they won’t cancel his membership till the cassation court says its word !!!

The NDP believes its members are innocent till the cassation court , it is not enough being convicted in the primary court not to mention receiving death penalty to cancel his membership !!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The ruling party does not believe the Egyptian judicial system nor it does believe the investigations of police which convicted Hisham in the first time , interesting , so interesting !!??

It is so interesting , may be the NDP does not want to lose one of the richest members so easily , may be they know if they cancel his membership ,his brothers and sister can leave the party with their big money or may be they know for sure that he will be cleared in front of the cassation court somehow and that he will return back !! Who knows what the think tanks in the policies committee thin !!??

By the way did they cancel cancel his membership in the Shura council after the court rule as it was announced or they did not !!?? They only lift  the parliamentary immunity as far as I know.

It is so interesting to know that he is still a member in the Shura and he is wearing the red suite !!

The assembly was held on a Friday , an official holiday to cancel the membership of Ayman Nour, I remember also that the assembly did not wait for the appeal of Anwar Al-Sadat JR so they would cancel his membership , of course I must hint out that Al-Sadat JR won his appeal and he is currently heading a new party and in his way to buy Al Dostor newspaper too !!

Back to the NDP

Did not they say that they respect the orders of the judicial system !!??


  1. Let's see. My father left me a farm. I decided to keep oxen working all the time without feeding them, I brought a hyena into the chickens house, and I set the barn to fire. It is my own f___ing farm and I am absolutely free to do whatever I like with it.

    Now, what was your question?

  2. Hisham is related to Suzanne Mubarak.

    So is it your opinion that he will not be executed regardless of his guilty verdict via the courts?

    Do you think Ahmed Ezz is behind his time in jail and his conviction. Lesser men than Hisham have murdered and gotten away with murder.

    Don't you wonder why he was chosen as an example? Who stands to benefit from his demise? Who will get his piece of the Egyptian pie?

  3. @Mohandas , nothing you answered my question and even more

    @anonymous, how , Hisham's family originally from Monfia that moved to Alex , Suzanne is well known to be from upper Egypt
    Now regarding the questions you asked.
    First of all the death penalty was a surprise to me so I do not expect too much , still I expect.
    Hisham will not be cleared but he will be sentenced for 25 years in jail , and will get out of jail after 5 years or more for health reasons. This is scenario in my mind

    -I do not know about Ezz , of course I feel that he has a hand in this , they were on a fight for sure , but let's agree on something Ezz did not tell him to harm Suzanne

    -It was not about why he was chosen , Hisham for sure was set an example on how the regime does not protect its men but you are speaking as if he was a victim of some kind of a conspiracy , he broke the law in the end of day
    Who will get his piece of Egyptian pie, well his family is very strong and is keeping the business in the family Hisham is said to refuse any deals concerning Rehab and Madinaty cities.

  4. congratulation
    i heard that hisham now in freeman

  5. So, any more news/rumors about Mr. Taalat?

    Is he out of prison as the rumors suggest?


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