Wednesday, September 16, 2009

The Muslims Are Coming, The Muslims Are Coming

Please watch this video from the Daily Show till the end or near the end to be precise

The Daily Show With Jon Stewart Mon - Thurs 11p / 10c
Mad Men
Daily Show
Full Episodes
Political Humor Healthcare Protests

“The Muslims are taking over !!!” , “The Communists are coming” , “Obama is Hitler” and “Obama is Muslim Marxist !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!”

I am not an expert in the American affair but I wonder where those angry protesters were when Bush brought down the house in 8 years !!


The title of this post was inspired by 1960s American political comedy “The Russians are coming, the Russians are coming


  1. Sorry but you reported that totally wrong!

    See the 2:17 - this is a grup of people who want to BOTH parties ... that they want their country like after 9/12 does mean they want to attack someone etc but that they want to abolish all the liberty restriction anti-terrorist laws, that they want to leave Afganistan and Iraq which is according to them unconstitutional. The Constitution is their strong symbol - there are references on that in the video ("We the people ... ")

    America has strong subconscious about liberty and social healthcare and Obama's stupid speeches for Muslims and South American dictators has started all that.

  2. lol @ john.. just a big fat lol.. gtfo and go back to watching fox news plz

  3. These people are insane. Check this out!


  4. Those people scare me! The Right has got it wrong this time and they made a party just so they can cry about it...BoooHoooo!

  5. Clip doesn't work

  6. If you think the Copts living outside of Egypt have a nasty agenda towards muslims, you should see the agenda most of the mainstream media in the USA, Canada, Australia and Europe has. It's constant, overwhelming reinforcement of muslims as brainwashed, heavy bearded or suppressed, veiled individuals that blow themselves up for Allah.

    The American culture you love so much hates your faith at this point in time. Wake up my dear. All in keeping with the global world order and murdoch media machine. Control the information and you control the masses.

    Muslims are the new communists but this is much worse. It will not ease up or end perhaps until the end of time. Or until Al Mahdi comes and Jesus returns.

  7. @John , strangely that social health care is implemented in different capitalistic countries like in Canada, UK and France , in fact we need that socialist social health care law in Egypt
    regarding Obama speech , why do you consider them stupid ??
    Is it stupid to speak to the Muslim people in a way other than threat and arrogance !!??

    @Ramy , you got love this channel and how it controls and brainwashes millions of people in America

    @Dalallaila, thanks for sharing !! Can you believe ??
    This is ignorance

    @lotusmessages,they scare me too

    @anonymous, are you sure ,it is working fine

    @anonymous#2, I know that the media in the west is not that friendly towards us but I believe they could be changed if we tried , we did not try not to mention that now we have a real voice abroad unlike in the past

  8. What real voice do you have in the WEst. You don't live in the West, you never have and you have no idea how hated muslims are. Watch 30 days episode on spending 30 days as a muslim done by the guy who made Where in the World is Ousama BinLaden. Wake up there Zeinabia. download this from torrents or something. They protested the adhan in a city in the USA. In certain neighbourhoods there are people counting how many muslims park on neighbourhood streets at mosques. You have NO CLUE what living abroad is like. Marwa the pharmacist was not an isolated incident. What she experienced is COMMON. Local mosque where I am stopped talking to local media because they were writing the nastiest stories about the muslim community. Wake Up Wake UP...put your on alarm on and wake up. 24/7 of how muslims are all terrorists and killers.

    Read tarek fatah of the national post. Even muslims write crappy stuff about being muslim.

    Also, why are you so obsessed with this F. Hosni character. The UN= Useless Nations. Who cares if he gets the job?

  9. Well late Marwa's incident showed hate for sure but
    what are the millions of Muslims live in West going to do except trying to change this image ?? What are the Western Muslims going to do and these countries are their countries ??They have to get their rights and they can do it
    I care about Hosni because he is representing my country and I do not want him to be counted on us
    He is running for the UNESCO not the UN

  10. UNESCO is part of the UN...again..wake up..who cares if he gets it...You have Hosni representing you as your president and he's no big prize. And your future president is the balding Jimmy so really what's 1 more snake in a den of vipers?

    Millions of Western muslims cannot change a huge media machine. You really are very gullible and naive. I hope you someday travel more and leave Egypt to experience what the rest of the world is like. Muslims cannot agree with each other over things like when Ramadan begins and ends, so good luck getting them to unite to change things in the West.

    Marwa's incident is COMMON. The only difference is that she didn't take it. She paid the price with her life.


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