Friday, December 11, 2009

I Do Not Love You Showtime Orbit

Showtime Orbit is going to air “I love you Man” on Showtime Cinema TV Max for this week to its subscribers , I do not know if the network knows the controversy it has caused last year as it contained an insult to late President Sadat and currently Ruqaya El-Sadat is suing the film and is planning to sue the production company in the States too.”I love the part where she said it is film for gays which was peeped in the TV show for unknown reason”

Showtime does not edit or cut anything from the films they show on their channels and thus those two insulting scenes in the film will be aired again across the Arab world.The Showtime network used to be more wise than this , it is enough that up till now they do  not dare to air “Brokeback mountain” and this shows they know and understand very well the culture of the region and what should be aired and what should not be aired. In fact I remember now they have not aired “Syriana” up till now because of its criticism to political regimes in Gulf !!I have to add that they understand the politics of the region very well , it is fine to insult Egypt and its presidents  !!!

I do not get how they are going to show this silly film after its terrible insult to the President of Egypt and I do not get it more how we are silent on this and please do not tell me the freedom of expression , imagine if it were Mubarak or Nasser !!??


  1. Insulting scenes eh bas?

    I have seen the film. Have you?

    There is a scene in which he says he called his dogs Anwar Sadat. From the way the scene is made, it is obvious it was very random because they Americans don't think that dogs are an insult.

    I reall suggest you watch the scene/the film.

    Btw. is the case still on? I thought it was over. What I know is that the director sent a letter of apology.

    P.S. I am really sick of Arabs getting offended and feeling insult at everything. It is like we are insecure and weak and 3ala rasna bat7a kbera!!

  2. Just to say that people are offended when they someone named an animal after them.

    So many times I, personally, got offended when I saw monkeys named "Abdallah".

    I personally saw an American who was quite angry that a colleague in speech class brought a dog called "Samantha", after her!

    So, please spare me the bull! People get offended when you name animals after them!

    It only doesn't happen in MOVIES!


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