The police refuses to give more details for the time being
To read more about the Adly street synagogue or the Sha'ar Hashamayim Synagogue which contains very old books from very ancient times I recommend reading its Wikipedia entry for now. The synagogue by the way is heavily protected in Cairo.
Insh Allah I will keep updating this post , already the police up till now has not declared anything nor we know something for sure.
Update#1 :
The police is saying now that it was a failed "breaking and entering" but it was not a bomb.Several witnesses are confirming the Molotov story.
I do not like this neither anyone who cares about this country. It is very interesting that this comes after the arrest of the alleged MB cell the regime claims it was planning to bomb Abu Hasira Shrine.
It seems that the regime has officially admitted it was an attempted Molotov attack because MENA has published news in its first page saying that unknown person threw a Molotov on the synagogue from one of the buildings around it. I recommend reading the daily news Egypt coverage by Sarah Carr and Ian Lee who captured one of the best photos in the big event of the day.
Now I want to say something to the Israeli press, this incident is nothing like what you made look like in Israel. This is very small or tiny attack if we can consider it an attack in the first place. We all know that from time to time the regime needs reasons to justify its emergency law which it can't live without. We had a long experience with similar incidents that preceded the discussion of the emergency law in the people's assembly.Of course also we can't ignore the timing of this incident which came at the same time Mohamed ElBaradei was making headlines with all his talk about democracy and freedom.
We should not forget that the Mubarak regime always loves to remind the west on how it is better than the terrorist bogyman. I just do not trust this regime that much.
The incident itself is strange , I mean that official story of the ministry of interior
Mr. X with a bag entered Panorama hotel at the fourth floor of the building opposite to the synagogue asking if there was any room available, when the receptionist went to check if there was any room available , Mr. X with a bag went to the window looking the synagogue throwing a Molotov bottle from that bag then he disappeared as Mr. X usually does !!
This is so ... so naive
This report says it was a "makeshift bomb made of gasoline canisters" inside a suitcase that was thrown at the synagogue out of a hotel entrance.
Does a day not go by in Egypt without Jews or Copts or Africans being attacked?
In regard to the MB you might wanna check the following link:
gov game to grab the attention of the ppl from El Baradie. The number of Jews in Egypt is very low and no one sees them as a threat to do that and also remember this is happening one day after El Baradie saying MBH should be allowed to form a party and there is no reason religious-based parties shouldnt be allowed as long as they function within the democratic framework.
ReplyDeleteJoel: Stop yes many days go on without any one getting attack. Also, in case u are not so aware of how things are in Egypt check how every time there was huge opposition to the gov or a renewal for the emergency laws we have such strange incidents.
ReplyDeleteTo Joel,
ReplyDeleteRemember the Lavon affair?
Remember the dancing israelis on 9/11?
Remember Lee Harvey Oswald and Jack Leon Rubenstein?
Also have a look at the following link and remember
The list goes on and on.........
Finally remember Dubai type assassinations that are carried out all over the world by the mossad in the name of the zionist jewish racist colonizer of Palestine.
Oh, I forgot to mention the civilian Palestinians who daily are maimed and killed in Palestine to take their land and ethnic cleanse it .
Talking about ethnic cleansing I am reminded of the book:
The Ethnic Cleansing of Palestine by the Israeli Jewish Professor Ilan Pappe
Deceit is your middle name, cousin.
@Anonymous-To Joel: Yes, the situation in Israel/Palestine is most unfortunate—but what does all that have to do with him specifically? Does this incident make Egypt's middle name "bombing synagogues?" Due to past incidents, how about "blowing up tourists and innocent bystanders?" Just saying...
ReplyDeleteA different anonymous writing here.
ReplyDeleteSynangogues were not bombed. None of the stories indicate that it WAS bombed. Accounts only indicate that there was an attempt to bomb, an unsuccessful attempt.
A failed attempt to bomb a synagogue cannot be compared in any way to decades of ethnic cleansing. Successful attempts of ethnic cleansing.
Last Anon I support what you wrote and add to it that since it happened on a Sunday and very early in the morning it is clear that it was not meant to hurt any one. This place is visited mostly by Israeli tourists and while I am against attacking civilians I have to say like many my sympathy towards the Israelis that elect stupid gov that does not want real peace and supported the Gaza war and took pride of the crime in Dubai, is WEAK.
ReplyDeleteI ask Joel and Chris, what happened in Dubai wasnt a terrorist action in the eyes of the hypocritical West but any thing that happens in MENA against Israel or the West must be a terrorist attack?!!
To all here,
ReplyDeleteIt is funny how every time a Jew, a Copt or an African is attacked by Egyptians it is always some kind of conspiracy theory. Never taking responsibility for your own actions and always blaming others is a known Arab tactic. This is starnge from a nation, i.e. Egypt, who produced the world's biggest terrorists and virtually invented global terrorism: Banna, Qutb, Arafat, Nasser, Sadat, Zawahiri, the murderer of Rabbi Meir Kahane, Umar Abd al-Rahman, Mohamed Atta, PLO, fedayeen and the MB and its off shoots (Hamas, IJ and Al-Qaeda).
If any one is being ethnically cleansed in "Palestine" it's the Jews, just like they have been ethnically cleansed from the rest of the ME: from a million to a few thousand. Not to mention Africans (Muslims, Christians and pagans) being ethnically cleansed by Muslim Arabs in Sudan. Not to mention Christians being ethnically cleansed by Muslim Arabs in Gaza, Lebanon, Iraq and Egypt. Not to mention African migrants trying to flee racist and fascist Egypt to Israel and being shot by the Egyptian army. Not to mention Muslims being massacred by Muslims on a dayly basis in Iraq, Afghanistan Pakistsn and Iran. And the list of Muslim crimes against humanity for the last 1400 years just goes on and on.
@Joel: LOL Sadat is a terrorist? Wow, what an idiot you must be.
ReplyDeleteTake a pill and chill, and dnt repeat this none sense that Jews are the only ones being ethnically cleansed in MENA, unless u want ppl to laugh at you and by ppl I dnt mean only Muslims or MENA.
Name one country that doesnt shoot ppl trying to illegally cross its boarders!
I hate to burst your bubble but Arab Christians are there, have been and will always be and protected by the ppl, the majority who are Muslims and not by the regimes, as is now evident to many Egyptian Christians after the last incidents. Also, its so funny that you see one side of the story only, look into why and how those terrorists appeared and you will see the direct effect of israel and the unfair west in their past growing popularity.
Last but not least, the current massacres in Iraq and Afghanstan are committed by none other than the armies of the so-called developed nations. Yes, those same Western governments who cry human rights and democracy but fly suspects to be tortured in non-Democratic countries, launch war left and right, support illegal settlements and refuse to acknowledge a democratically elected gov in Palestine, and avoid calling the Mossad action in Dubai as it is An act of terrorism.
When you have the courage to face your hypocritical and racist thoughts let us know may be then we could carry a reasonable conversation.
Mmmm it seems I have upset a few Arabs, maybe these videos will cool you down a bit:
@ Joel, this is an Egyptian blogger with mostly Egyptian comments. I know for your poor self all Arabs are the same and one.
ReplyDeleteI repeat take a pill and chill we can flood you with videos from different and credible sources attesting to the inhumanity and criminal actions of your beloved Israel too but Im sure you already know the reality of things but choose to be on the dirty side. Good luck living as an immoral person